Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Inside vs. Outside
Materials: no materials needed
Instruct the kids to line up in a straight line, without talking, based on your instructions. First, tell them to line up based on their height, shortest to smallest. Next, instruct them to line up according to their birth month. Afterward, instruct the kids to sit in a circle and tell them they can talk during this segment. Ask: “Who do you think is brave?” “Who do you think is kind?” “Who do you believe is caring?” Allow several children to answer each question and explain their answers. Next, help the kids understand that there is no connection between their outward characteristics (height, age) and inward characteristics (bravery, kindness). Explain that while we focus on what people look like on the outside, God focuses on what is on the inside.
Live It Out
Game – Puzzle Review
Materials: Paper, scissors, marker
Print a review question on each piece of paper. Cut each question into four parts. Use wavy or zigzag lines to create unique sides for each piece of paper. (To make the game less challenging, print each question on a different color of paper.)
Mix the pieces and give each kid a piece of a question. Tell kids to move around the room and trade with other kids; each kid should make at least 3 trades. Say: “Group up!” Kids should search by matching puzzle pieces. When they find all the pieces, the group can read the question and talk about an answer. Call time and tell kids to trade pieces again. Group up and let these groups answer their questions. Repeat for a few turns. Then ask the last groups to read the questions aloud and talk about the answers. Say the Life Point.
Craft – Inside Your Heart
Materials: red construction paper, scissors, markers
Give each of the kids one piece of red construction paper and ensure they have access to the other supplies. Instruct them to draw and cut out a large heart. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and direct them to write the verse on their hearts. Have everyone say the Weekly Verse together. Encourage them to put their hearts on their bathroom mirror at home to remind them that God doesn’t care about what they look like on the outside but the faith and trust they show in their hearts.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Songs of the Heart
Materials: paper, pens
Give each child a piece of paper and a pen. Tell them that they will learn how God looked at David’s heart and saw that he truly loved God. After David became king, he wrote many songs about his relationship with God. Tell them to pick a genre of music (country, rock, rap, pop, etc.) and write a short song from the Weekly Verse. Give them time to write their songs. Allow several volunteers the opportunity to share their songs with the class.
Live It Out
Game – Heart Interviews
Materials: no materials needed
Form groups of two with the kids. Tell each group that one person is Samuel and the other is David. Instruct them to imagine that Samuel wants to discover if David’s heart is completely for the Lord. Tell all of the “Samuels” to ask the “Davids” questions to find out his inner motivations.
Sample Questions Samuel can ask:
When have you seen God provide for you?
What is most important to you, earning praise from other people or God?
When have you had to trust God before?
Craft – Shepherd’s Staff Bookmark
Materials: brown construction paper, markers, scissorsGive every child a piece of brown construction paper and ensure they have access to the other supplies. Instruct them to draw a large shepherd’s staff and cut it out. Direct them to write the Life Point on the staff and then decorate it how they see fit. Encourage them to use it as a bookmark in their Bible. Say the Life Point together.
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