Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Can You Balance?
Materials: pencils
Give a pencil to every child. Instruct them to balance the pencil on various fingers, noses, knuckles, and the end of their shoes (feel free to come up with other options). Explain that sometimes life seems unbalanced or out of control, but God is always working to keep things in balance. Tell the kids they will see in the lesson today how God was working behind the scenes. Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – God’s In Control!
Materials: batons
Form two equal-sized groups of kids and instruct each group to sit in a circle on the floor. Give a baton to each group, and tell them they will compete in a relay race while sitting on the floor. Tell the kids that whoever is holding the baton must say something that worries them. After the child declares their worry, the group must shout, “God is in control!” The child will then pass the baton to the next child, and the group will repeat the process. The group that passes the baton around the circle first is the winner!
Craft – The Ark of God
Materials: white paper, crayons, construction paper, glue, scissors, picture of the Ark of God
Before class, search online for a picture of the Ark of God and print off several copies. In class, hand out the copies so everyone can see the picture. Pass out the supplies to the kids. Instruct the kids to draw and decorate their own Ark of God using the decorative supplies. Instruct them to write the Life Point along the bottom of their picture. Afterward, allow several volunteers to share their pictures with the class.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Ark of God Puzzle
Materials: picture of the Ark of God, scissors, envelopes
Before class, search online for a picture of the Ark of God and print several copies on heavy weight paper. Cut each picture into puzzle pieces and place each set in an envelope. In class, form several groups with the kids and give each group an envelope. Instruct them to pull out the puzzle pieces and put them together. Inform the kids that in today’s lesson they will learn how God is always in control during a situation that involves the Ark of God. Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Giant Timelines
Materials: large piece of paper, small pieces of paper, pencils, markers, Bibles
Form multiple groups with the kids and ensure each group has several Bibles. Instruct them to read 1 Samuel 4:1-11; 5-6. Place a large piece of paper on the ground (6-by-3-feet) and place the groups around the paper. Tell each group to write and decorate a timeline of the events from today’s Bible story on the paper. Encourage them to draw and color pictures to go with their timelines. Afterward, allow each group to share their timeline with the class.
Craft – Prayers to God
Materials: large piece of paper, marker, pens, sticky notes
Before class, cut out a large piece of paper about 2-by-2-feet. On the top of the paper, write PRAYERS TO GOD using a marker and tape the paper to the wall in your classroom. During class, give every child several sticky notes and a pen. Instruct them to write down a prayer request concerning a situation where they are trusting God to move. Tell them that the prayer requests can be about health issues, school, world events, family issues, and so forth. Give the kids time to write their prayer requests and tell them to pray for those requests as they place them on the paper on the wall. At the end, have everyone say the Life Point. Explain that even though God has everything under control, praying is important. Close the time in prayer.
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