Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Pass the Mic
Materials: toy microphone
Use a toy microphone or any item to represent a microphone. Pass the microphone to a child to invite him to answer some get to know you questions. Ask questions like: What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why? What is your favorite part about going to school? What is your dream job when you grow up? Finish with the question, What is your greatest fear and why? Be sure to answer the question yourself, too, to demonstrate vulnerability. After answering, pass the microphone to another child and so forth. Tell kids that in today’s session, you will learn that God helps people do His work, even in the scariest of situations—like David when he faced Goliath.
Live It Out
Game – Knock Down the Tower
Materials: table tennis balls, blocks
Put kids in groups of 10 and encourage each group to build a tower with their blocks. Then give each group four or five table tennis balls. Each team’s goal is to knock down any other team’s towers. Tell kids to stand about ten feet back from each tower and throw the table tennis balls at the other tower. Play as long as time allows. After the game, remind kids that it was their goal to tear down what someone else had built. Then tell them that no matter how hard we try, we cannot tear down God’s plans. God planned for David to be king, so even a giant like Goliath could not tear down that plan. God helps people do His work.
Craft – Decorate Stones
Materials: small stones (six per child), permanent markers, brown paper bags
Give each child six small stones to represent David’s stones. Invite them to write the individual words on each stone: God, Helps, People, Do, His, Work. Kids can then decorate the stones and put them in the brown paper bag to remember the Life Point. Remind kids that God helped David defeat Goliath.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Pass the Ball
Materials: beach ball, permanent marker
Use a permanent marker to write a question in each section of the beach ball. Toss the ball to a child. Invite her to answer the question in the section that her left thumb touches. Continue tossing the ball until each child has had a turn. Use these questions: What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why? What is your favorite part about going to school? What is your dream job when you grow up? What is your greatest fear and why? When time is up, answer a couple of the questions yourself, including that one. Tell kids that in today’s session, you will learn that God helps people do His work, even in the scariest of situations—like David when he faced Goliath.
Live It Out
Game – Noodle Tag
Materials: a pool noodle cut in half
Choose two kids to be It, and give each one a piece of the noodle. The two kids playing It will hold hands and chase everyone else, trying to tag them with a noodle. If a kid is tagged, he becomes part of the noodle by holding hands with the person who just tagged him. The person who tagged him will hand him the noodle piece and work with the rest of the group to tag others, handing off the noodle piece to each person tagged. The object is to be the last person tagged. Remind kids that in this game, they had to depend on each other to tag the next person, to stay connected in the line, and to move at the right pace. Remind kids of the Life Point: God helps people do His work. In this game, kids helped each other, but in life, God helps us do anything He has called us to do!
Craft – Make a Fear Poster
Materials: cardstock, markers
Give each child a piece of cardstock and markers and encourage them to write or draw things that bring them fear. On the other side, kids should write the Weekly Verse, Isaiah 41:10. Encourage kids to take their posters home. Tell them to hang the posters with the verse side out to help them remember that God’s strength overcomes our fears.
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