Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – What’s That Sound?
Materials: various items that make noise, poster board
Provide various items in your house that make noise. In class, set up a poster board as a barrier between you and the kids. Place your items behind the poster board. Tell the kids to guess what the item is after it makes a noise. Show the kids the item after they guess what it is. Afterward, tell the kids that Samuel hears God’s voice in today’s lesson. Ask: “What do you think God’s voice sounds like?” Allow several kids to answer.
Live It Out
Game – Samuel Word Search
Materials: online Word Search generator, paper, pencils
Before class, find a free Word Search generator online and create a puzzle for the children to solve. Print enough copies for the children in your class. Hand out a Word Search puzzle and pencil to each child. Talk about the Bible story and mention that God called Samuel to do His work. Tell the kids that the first one to finish the puzzle will be the winner!
Craft – Samuel’s Special Robe
Materials: pieces of white fabric, fabric markers, scissors
Give each child a piece of fabric and ensure everyone has access to fabric markers and scissors. Tell your kids to cut the fabric in the shape of a biblical robe. Instruct them to decorate the robe how they imagine Samuel’s clothing looked. Talk about the Bible story and say the Weekly Verse as they decorate their robes. Direct them to write the Life Point on the back of the robe. Allow several volunteers to show their robes to the rest of the class.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Write the Life Point
Materials: dry erase board or poster board, marker
Instruct the kids to stand in a line, facing the dry erase board (or poster board attached to the wall). Give the last kid in line a marker. Whisper the first word of the Life Point to the first person in line. Each child should then pass whisper the word to the child next to him, and so on down the line. The last one to hear the word, will go to the board and write the word on the left side. He will then move to the beginning of the line. Continue until all the words are written. Read the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – True or False
Materials: no materials needed
Make statements about the Bible story. Guide kids to use their bodies to make the letter T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. Kids can lie on the floor to make their letters. They can work alone or with friends to make the letters. After each statement, talk about the answers and guide kids to stand again before making the next statement. Say the Weekly Verse.
Craft – Hearing Ears
Materials: construction paper, markers, scissors
Give each child a piece of construction paper and ensure everyone can access markers and scissors. Instruct them to draw an ear and cut it out. Tell them to write the Weekly Verse on the back of the ear. Tell the kids that Samuel heard God call him to do God’s work. Samuel was an important prophet and leader to the Israelites. Encourage the kids to put their ears up in a prominent place in their home to remind them to listen for God’s voice.
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