Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Zipper
Materials: no materials needed
Line your children up in two lines, facing each other about an arm’s length apart. Instruct the children to raise their hands toward the other line so their fingers are touching. Ask for one volunteer to walk or run between the lines. As the volunteer moves between the lines, the children should raise their hands right before the volunteer gets to them. The volunteer can move quicker as she learns to trust the other children to raise their hands. Allow several volunteers to move through the zipper. Explain how the volunteers learned to trust the zipper, just like people must learn to trust God. Read the Weekly Verse and explain how Joseph listened to God and trusted Him. As a result of Joseph’s obedience, many people were saved.
Live It Out
Game – Who Do You Listen To?
Materials: an item you pick
Ask for a volunteer to find a hidden item in your room and instruct them to step outside. When she steps outside the room, show your class where you have hidden the item. Tell your kids they will help the volunteer find the item, but they can only use hand gestures to communicate directions. Giving a thumbs up means the volunteer is moving closer to the item, while a thumbs down means she is moving away from the item. However, only one student will give accurate directions, while everyone else will purposefully guide the volunteer away from the item by giving the wrong directions. After the volunteer attempts to find the hidden item, have a discussion about the Life Point. Explain to your children that when we follow the right directions, like Joseph, then our obedience leads to good results and God’s glory.
Craft – Wheat Holder
Materials: construction paper, scissors, wheat from craft store, glue, tape, geometry compass or round object
Using a compass or large round object, instruct every child to draw a large circle on their paper and cut it out. Using the paper that is left, tell your kids to draw and cut out a small circle and two small arms. Instruct kids to find the middle of the large circle, draw a wedge, and cut it out. Using glue or tape, turn the large circle into a cone. Glue or tape the small circle to the top of the cone. Take the arms and glue them to the sides of the cone. Connect the arms together and glue them. Slip the stalk of wheat inside the arms and tape to the arms. At the bottom of the cone, write obedience. As your kids are working on the craft, remind them of the Life Point and how Joseph obeyed God’s directions and saved many people.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Two Truths and a Lie
Materials: no materials needed
Ask for a volunteer to tell your class two things that are true about themselves and one thing that is not true. Instruct your class to guess which statement is not true. Allow several children to volunteer. Explain that God never attempts to deceive or mislead us. Read today’s Weekly Verse and explain how Joseph knew that he could follow God’s directions because he knew that God is completely trustworthy.
Live It Out
Game – Tallest Structure
Materials: various items from your house
Form two (or more) teams of kids. Place items from your house in the middle of the room. Explain to the two teams that they must build the tallest structure possible using the items. Alternating turns, the two teams will pick one item for their team to use for their structure. After all the items have been picked, give the teams five minutes to build their structures. Whoever has the taller structure wins! Explain to your children that just as they used the resources available to them to build their structures, Joseph did the same for Pharaoh. He listened to God’s instructions and used the resources he had to fulfill God’s purpose.
Craft – Wheat Bookmark
Materials: wheat bundle from craft store, red card stock, glue, pens, scissors
Before class, cut red card stock in the shape of a regular-sized bookmark. Instruct kids to write the Weekly Verse on one side of the bookmark. Tell them to flip the bookmark over and glue a wheat stalk to the other side. Encourage your kids to use this bookmark as they are reading their Bibles at home to remind them to listen and obey God’s directions.
It would help to have a picture of the “Wheat Holder.” I understand how to make the cone; but I don’t understand the arms and small circle.
Hello! I just emailed you an image of the Wheat Holder. I hope that helps! 🙂