Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Sentence Books
Materials: construction paper and white paper cut into 3 by 8 inches, markers, staplers with staples
Lead kids to use the materials to create sentence books about Jesus. Give each child at least 5 strips of white paper. They can write sentences about Jesus on the strips. Give each child 2 construction paper strips to create a cover for his book. After the child completes his pages and cover, help him staple the pages together along one side. Tell kids they will hear that family members can trust Jesus together.
Live It Out
Game – Shape Targets
Materials: colored paper, tape, small white board, dry erase marker
Use the tape to create one or more shapes on the floor. These shapes will be targets. Mark a tossing line, a place for kids to stand. Give each child a piece of paper. Tell kids to make paper balls. Allow kids to take turns tossing the paper balls to land in a target. (Each child should recover his own paper ball before another child tosses.)
When a paper ball lands in a shape, ask a review question. For every review question answered correctly, award a letter in the word TRUST. (Use the white board to keep track of the letters awarded.) When the word is complete, say the Life Point and talk about how families can trust Jesus.
Craft – “Stained Glass” Sign
Materials: waxed paper, permanent markers (black and other colors); cleaning wipes
Give each child a length of waxed paper. Lead a child to write Trust Jesus in outline letters or bubble letters (with a black marker). Lead her to use the black marker to draw lines around the letters to create squares and triangles. The she can use the other colors to create designs or fill in the shapes and letters. Tell kids they can post their stained glass signs as reminders for their families to trust Jesus together. (Wipe markers after each use.)
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Wrap Race
Materials: yarn, wide craft sticks, timer
Cut yarn into 36-inch lengths. Give each child a stick and a length of yarn. Give a signal and kids can wrap the yarn around the sticks until it’s all wrapped around. Set the timer for 1 minute and challenge teams to wrap the stick in the allotted time. Shorten the time or give longer lengths of yarn to continue the game. Or after the yarn is wrapped, challenge kids to unwrap the stick (while continuing to hold the stick). Tell kids that someone was unwrapped in today’s Bible story.
Live It Out
Game – Pick a Number
Materials: cards numbered 1-25
Group the kids into teams. Draw a numbered card but do not let the kids see the number. Ask each team to choose a number. The team closest to the number wins the review question. Ask the team the question; award points for a correct answer. Draw another numbered card and play again. Review the story and the Life Point.
Craft – Verse Rollup
Materials: adding machine tape (or long strips of paper), markers, gel pens, small rubber bands or string
Cut long lengths of adding machine tape for each person. Lead kids to write the Life Point on one side of the adding machine tape. They can decorate around the words and draw pictures about Jesus as they choose. As they work, talk about the Bible story. Note that Jesus raised Lazarus and the people had to take off the cloth strips to unbind him. Talk about ways families today can trust Jesus. Say the Bible verse. Suggest kids write the verse on the backs of their strips. Guide them to roll up the strips and secure with rubber bands or string. Tell them to carry the rollups as reminders that families can trust Jesus.
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