Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Hot Seat
Materials: chair
Place a chair at the front of the room. Choose a volunteer to sit in the chair (the “hot seat”). Ask the child a question, such as “What is your favorite meal?” or “What do you like to do at school?” After she answers, she can choose another volunteer to take the hot seat. Continue for several turns. Tell kids that they will hear a Bible story about a man that asked Jesus a question.
Live It Out
Game – Bounce the Life Point
Materials: super bounce balls, paper, tape, marker
Print a word or phrase of the Life Point on each piece of paper. Mix the words in random order and tape them on a table.
Review the Bible story and talk about what Jesus and the man said. Challenge kids to bounce and catch the balls on each word in order. Give a ball to a kid to bounce on the words; the other kids should say the words as the ball bounces on it. If the child makes a mistake, he can pass the ball to another child (who starts at the beginning). Repeat so that each child has an opportunity to bounce the ball. If you choose, after kids have bounced the balls for a while, race to see who can bounce the verse the fastest.
Craft – Ribbon Verse
Materials: construction paper, wide ribbon, markers and decorative pens, tape or craft glue, scissors
Cut a length of ribbon for each kid. Kids can print the words of the verse on construction paper pieces. Then they can tape or glue the words in order vertically. Talk about the Bible story and how the verse relates to the Bible story. Tell kids that God wants people to love Jesus more than anything else.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Pass the Motion
Materials: no materials needed
Guide kids to stand in a line, each kid facing the back of the kid in front of him. Tell the first kid in line to make a motion. (The motion should be done while standing in place.) The first kid should do the motion only once. The next kid repeats the motion, the next kid does the motion, and so on down the line. After the last kid does the motion, he moves to the front of the line and makes a new motion to pass down the line. (Possible motions: stretch left arm straight out to the side; clap hands over your head; lift one leg and then the other leg; touch shoulders and then hips; put thumbs in ears and wiggle fingers.) Tell kids that in the Bible story today Jesus told a man some things to do.
Live It Out
Game – Hoop Toss
Materials: plastic hoop, foam ball, paper airplanes (optional)
An adult or two kids can hold the hoop as a target. Lead kids to take turns tossing the ball to try to get the ball through the hoop. If the ball goes through the hoop, give 1 point. Ask a review question and award another point for a correct answer. If you choose, use paper airplanes for double points. Talk about the Life Point. Help kids think about how the man chose his possessions over Jesus.
Craft – Verse Poster
Materials: white card stock paper, markers, gold and silver tempera paint, unsharpened pencils with erasers
Talk about the Bible story and the Life Point. Give card stock to the kids. Lead kids to write the Life Verse on their card stock. After a kid finishes writing the verse, she can dip the eraser end of a pencil in the gold or silver paint and make dot “coins” around the verse. Talk with kids about how people can show love to Jesus and not their possessions.
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