Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Follow the Leader
Materials: no supplies needed
Clear an area in your room. Form the kids into a straight line. Tell the kids they will follow the line leader and copy his actions. For example, if the line leader starts clapping as they’re walking, they should all clap. Change leaders several times to allow different kids to be the line leader. Tell the kids that in today’s lesson, they will learn how the Israelites received a new leader and how they all had to learn how to follow Him.
Live It Out
Game – Trust Relay
Materials: blindfolds, items for obstacle course
Create an obstacle course in your classroom using items such as tables, chairs, and so forth. Form pairs of kids and give each pair a blindfold. Explain that one child in each pair will put on the blindfold, and the partner will guide the blindfolded child through the course using only his voice. Once every pair has gone through the course, the kids will swap roles and go back through the course. Afterward, explain that Joshua chose to listen to God’s voice just as the blindfolded kids had to listen to their partner’s voice. Write the Life Point on the board and say it together.
Craft – Shield of Courage
Materials: paper plates, markers, construction paper, tape, scissors.
Give each child a paper plate and a piece of construction paper and ensure they have access to the other supplies. Instruct them to write the Weekly Verse on the back of the plate. Tell them to decorate the plate like a shield. Direct them to cut a strip out of the construction paper and tape it vertically to the back of their shield to create a handle. Remind them that Joshua had to be strong and courageous to follow God’s plan. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Life Point Pantomime
Materials: no supplies needed
Write the Life Point on the board in your classroom. Ask the kids to give you a motion to go with each word. Say the words with the motions as they continue to offer them. Eventually, have the children say the entire phrase with all the motions.
Live It Out
Game – Spell It Out
Materials: two tap lights or bells; white board and marker
Group kids into 2 teams. Print Team 1 on one side of the board and Team 2 on the other side. One player from each team can stand near a light or bell. Ask a review question; the first player to hit the light or bell answers the question. If the answer is correct, print a letter L under the team name. If the answer is incorrect, nothing is added to the board. New players step up to the light or bell. Continue asking questions until one team has spelled LEADER on the board.
Craft – Mobile
Materials: Heavyweight paper, markers, scissors, yarn, dowels (12 inches in length)
Talk about the Bible story and talk about making choices. Guide kids to cut several shapes from the paper. They can print one or more of the words and reference of the Weekly Verse, Joshua 24:15, on each shape. Help them punch holes and cut lengths of yarn to make mobiles (tying on the dowels). Guide kids to hang the mobiles at home to remind them to make right choices.
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