Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Jesus Says
Materials: none
Gather kids together and play a game of Jesus says—like Simon says but using the name Jesus instead. If kids do something that Jesus doesn’t say, they can sit down in their place. The last kid standing can take on the role of “Jesus” next.
Live It Out
Game – Memory Bounce
Materials: inflated balloon
Give kids an inflated balloon. Their goal will be to toss the balloon up in the air and keep it there as they hit it for every word of the Weekly Verse they say. You might want to read the verse aloud a few times before starting. Play until you get through the whole verse without stopping and without dropping the ball! Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Purple Cross
Materials: purple Felt, scissors, glue, craft gems
Give kids scissors and help them cut large crosses out of purple felt. Remind kids that Lydia sold purple fabric, which was very expensive in her culture. Kids can then decorate their purple cross with gems. Help them remember that ultimately, the cross was more valuable to Lydia than any piece of cloth because Jesus saved her through His death on the cross!
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity—Erase a Word
Materials: dry erase board, marker
Write the Bible verse Romans 10:9 on the board. Once kids arrive, gather them together and say the verse together five times. Then erase two to three words. Challenge kids to recite the verse again without those words. If they are successful, erase a few more. Erase words until kids can say the verse together. Remind kids that people can trust Jesus as the Savior.
Live It Out
Game – I Spy
Materials: none
Start by picking an object that everyone in the room can see, but don’t point out which object it is. Give clues like “I spy something that is blue.” Or “I spy something up high.” Kids can call out guesses, and the first kid who guesses correctly can be the leader in the next round. Remind kids that they had to trust the leader to give them clues that were helpful. Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Make a Purple Cloth
Materials – purple fleece, scissors
Cut out 12-by-12-inch pieces of purple fleece. Tell the kids to place two squares together and cut small strips along each edge of the fabric, then tie together the matching strips from each piece of the fabric. Talk about the Bible story as kids work. Kids can use this small cloth as a reminder that Lydia sold purple cloth, and trusted Jesus as her Savior and Lord.
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