Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Verse Memory
Materials: index cards, pen
Before class, write the Life Point on index cards, one word per card. Make two sets. Lay the cards on the floor, facedown. Form two groups of kids. Allow one member from each team to take turns trying to find a match with two cards. Continue until all the matches are made. Tell the kids to separate the matching cards into two sets. Each team can use a set to put the Life Point in order. Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Lazarus Relay
Materials: stuffed animals, hula hoops
Take the kids to a large space, either indoors or outdoors. Set two hula hoops on the far side of your area and place multiple stuffed animals in each hula hoop (enough to match the number of kids on each team). Form two teams with your kids, and inform them they will run one at a time to the tombs (hula hoops) and retrieve Lazarus (stuffed animal) from the tomb. The first team to retrieve all the stuffed animals from their tomb is the winner!
Craft – Resurrection Sock Puppets
Materials: white tube socks, markers, yarn, glue, wiggle eyes, scissors
Give each child one tube sock and access to the supplies. Tell them to pick one character from today’s Bible story and create a sock puppet of that person utilizing the markers, yarn, and wiggle eyes. Give the children time to introduce their puppets to the group and tell what they experienced in the Bible story. Have all of the sock puppets say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Tomb Toss
Materials: beanbags, buckets, masking tape
Form two teams with the kids and line them up on one side of the room. Set two buckets on the other side of the room, one across from each team. Have three “throw lines” for each team – a line close to the bucket, a medium distance from the bucket, and the furthest from the bucket. Tell the teams they will throw the beanbags into the “tombs” (buckets), and they will receive one point from the closest line, two points from the medium line, and three points from the furthest line. Allow every child to throw the beanbag, and the team with the most points wins!
Live It Out
Game – Hang It Up
Materials: 2-inch wide paper strips, marker, yarn, chairs, clothespins
Print the Weekly Verse on paper strips, one word per strip. Make two sets. Mix the two sets and place them in the middle of the room, facedown. Create a clothesline on each end of the room by tying yarn between two chairs. Lay a group of clothespins with each line.
Create two teams. Each team should stand by one of the clotheslines. On your signal, one member from each team runs to the middle and finds the first word of the verse. Then the member runs back and clips the word at the end of the line. Another member runs to the middle to find the second word of the verse, and so on. Continue until both teams have clipped all the words of the verse to the lines. Say the verse together. Talk about Jesus the Savior and God’s plan for salvation.
Craft – The Faces of the Resurrection
Materials: paper plates, markers, yarn, glue, scissors
Give every child a paper plate and ensure everyone has access to the other supplies. Instruct them to draw the face of one of the people in today’s lesson (Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, Martha). Tell them to use the markers to create their face and yarn for hair or a beard. Encourage them to be creative in the facial expressions they give their faces. Instruct everyone to write the Weekly Verse on the back of the plate. Allow several volunteers to share their creations with the class.
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