Grades 1–3
Introductory Activity— Freeze Tag
Materials: none
Play a few rounds of freeze tag. In the game, appoint one child It and another Reverse. It will go around freezing people. After a child is frozen, he has to count to ten in his head, then raise his hand. When his hand is raised, Reversecan come to tag that person. If Reverse gets frozen, she can count to ten, then automatically run back around. After everyone is there and kids have played a few times, gather everyone together and tell them they will be hearing how God used Christians to do what Reverse did – but it really happened, and it was much cooler than a game of freeze tag. Not only did Christians get to show God’s power, but the told other people about Jesus, too!
Live It Out
Game— Dress Up Relay
Materials: variety of clothes that can be easily put on—hat, novelty glasses, clip-on tie, jacket, scarf, belt, mittens, and so forth
Tell kids that this game is teacher vs. class. Tell them you will read a review question for one child to answer. If he answers correctly, he can choose a piece of clothing for the teacher to wear. If he answers incorrectly, the teacher chooses clothing for him to wear. Play the game. Everyone will continue to wear clothing until it is gone. Then, if a question is answered correctly, kids can choose one of their pieces of clothing to go on the teacher. The game is over when the teacher is wearing all the clothing. Say the Life Point together and talk about how the Christians shared about God in a special way through the Bible story.
Craft— Feet on Felt
Materials: various pieces of felt in multiple colors, scissors, stick glue, marker, thick paper, markers
Allow kids to take their shoes off and trace their own feet onto pieces of felt. Kids can then cut the outlines of their feet out and creatively glue it onto the paper however they like. At the bottom of the paper, tell kids to write the Weekly Verse. This craft can remind kids of two things. First, of the Bible story! The Holy Spirit healed a man and allowed him to walk again through Christians! Finally, God calls Christians to go and share the gospel with people!
Grades 4–6
Introductory Activity— Musical Anatomy
Materials: music
Allow each child to choose a partner for the game. Play music and allow kids to walk around (they should try to stay away from their partner). When the music stops, say two body parts (for example, hand to foot, back to back, ear to elbow, and so on). Kids then run toward their partner and connect those two body parts. Tip: make sure the partners are of the same gender. Tell kids that today they will be learning about how the Holy Spirit partnered up with Christians to show people who God is! Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game— Obstacle Course
Materials: paper, marker, scissors, tape, lunch bags
Print the Bible verse on pieces of paper. Make a verse for each team. Cut each verse into 10 pieces. (Do not mix the pieces.) Divide each team’s puzzle pieces into 5 bags. Set each group of bags at one end of the play area; leave space between the groups of bags. Use tape to create a zigzagging path from the start line to a group of bags. Make a path for each team.
Group the kids into teams of 5. On your signal, the first player from each team will run along the path to the bags. He will take one of the backs and race back along the path. When he arrives the next child runs along the path. The first child removes the puzzle pieces and begins the puzzle. Kids continue to race and bring back bags of puzzle pieces. They work together to assemble the puzzle. The first team to complete the puzzle wins. Read the verse together. Say the Life Point and recall the Bible story.
Craft— Silver and Gold
Materials: small rocks or pebbles, silver and gold acrylic paint, paintbrushes, water, paper cupGive each child a few small rocks or pebbles, paint, and paint brushes. Allow them to paint the rocks silver or gold. As the rocks are drying, kids can write the Weekly Verse on their paper cup and decorate it however they like. Kids can take their rocks home in the cup. Remind kids that like Peter said in the Bible Story, you don’t have to have silver or gold to have the greatest gift of all: the Holy Spirit! Say the Life Point together.
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