Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week.
Unit 1, Session 1: Joshua and Caleb
Caleb and Joshua trusted God. God had a plan for Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land. Joshua reminds us of Jesus. Joshua was not perfect, but Jesus is. Jesus trusted His Father’s plan to save people from their sins.
Unit 1, Session 2: Daniel Obeyed God
Daniel and his friends wanted to obey God, and God helped them. In a greater way, Jesus always did what God wanted Him to do. Jesus never sinned, but He came to earth to rescue sinners. God forgives and helps everyone who trusts in Jesus.
Unit 1, Session 3: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha
God wanted both Mary and Martha to sit and learn from Jesus. Wisdom comes from God. He made the world and knows how it works best. The Bible says that Jesus is the wisdom of God. Jesus makes us wise and holy. He frees us from sin. (1 Cor. 1:24,30)
Unit 1, Session 4: The Rich Young Ruler
The young ruler wanted Jesus to tell him that he was a good person who could get into heaven on his own. But that is not the case. Jesus wants us to love Him more than anything else in the world. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can choose to follow Jesus for the rest of our lives, loving Him more than any other earthly possession.
Unit 1, Session 5: Jesus Called Matthew
Jesus chose 12 men to follow Him and learn about Him. He wanted the men to learn that Jesus was God’s Son who had come to take away sin. After Jesus went back to heaven, these men told the good news of Jesus throughout the world.
Unit 2, Session 1: God Spoke to Moses
God called Moses to rescue His people. Moses delivered God’s people from physical captivity; Jesus delivered God’s people from captivity to sin.
Unit 2, Session 2: God Helped Gideon
The people of Israel needed help. They asked God to help them. God used Gideon to help the people, and God fought for them. We need help too. We need God to save us from sin. We cannot save ourselves. God sent His Son, Jesus, to save us.
Unit 2, Session 3: God Protected Three Men
God saved Daniel’s friends from a fire. Jesus came to save us in an even better way. Jesus died so we wouldn’t be punished for our sin. He was punished instead. When we know and love Jesus, Jesus saves us so we can be with God forever.
Unit 2, Session 4: God Sent Rain
The people who worshiped the false god Baal worked very hard to show they loved Baal, but Baal was silent. The one true God is not like false gods. Instead, God showed His love for us by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of the world.
Unit 3, Session 1: God Made the World
The Bible says that Jesus is Lord over all of creation. He was there at the beginning of creation, and everything was created by Him and for Him. Jesus has always existed, and He holds everything together. (Colossians 1:16-17)
Unit 3, Session 2: God Made Animals
Jesus is Lord over everything. Everything, including all the animals, was created by Him and for Him. Jesus holds everything together. (Colossians 1:16-17)
Unit 3, Session 3: God Made People
B-PK: God created people in His own image. Adam was like God in some ways, but he was not exactly like God. God sent His Son, Jesus, to show us exactly what God is like. (Colossians 1:15) Jesus is exactly like God because He is God. (Hebrews 1:3)
K: After Adam and Eve, everybody has sinned. Sin keeps us from God, but it won’t keep God from us. He loves us anyway, and He promised that someone from Eve’s family would take away sin. God sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue people from sin and bring them back to God.
Unit 3, Session 4: God Helped Noah
God sent a flood to punish the world for sin, but God rescued Noah and his family. Later, there was an even greater rescue! Jesus came to save people from sin. If we trust in Jesus, He saves us from the punishment for our sin.
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