Date: September 1, 2024
Purpose Questioned
The Point: Without God, life is meaningless.
Get Into the Study
Share the following as you discuss the icebreaker question.
Jordan Chiles is one of the world’s best gymnasts. Medaling in both the 2020 and 2024 Summer Olympics, no one can deny her incredible skills. People can debate which type of medal she should have or how many should be in her possession. Plenty of people are doing just that.
In a back-and-forth series of events, Jordan appeared to have lost, won, and yet lost again the bronze medal in the floor exercise at the Paris Olympics. Due to a discrepancy, the International Olympic Committee said that Chiles needed to return the medal so they could give it to Ana Barbosu of Romania. The debate centers around a potential scoring error, and then an appeal is submitted on the floor to correct such error. After fixing it, they determined the appeal was given after the one-minute time allotment. Now, some say there is proof that it was submitted in time. We may never know, and we may not see a simple resolution to such a discrepancy.
Can you imagine working your entire life for a medal, competing at such a level to obtain it, and reeling from the fact that it may be taken away from you due to a debated detail? It would make you feel like all of your work seemed pointless. How would you think if the reward for your life’s work was taken away from you for something that seems senseless? For more information, visit:
Get Into the Study [Option from the Adult Leader Guide]
In advance, play a video clip of someone repeating an activity over and over again. Then ask Question #1.
Study the Bible
Share the following after discussion Question 4:
To revisit the earlier situation surrounding Jordan Chiles, she has experienced increasing support. Fans and celebrities have even come to her defense, and people are considering ways to make their own medals to honor her if the committee takes it away. In an unexpected offer, rapper Flavor Flav announced that “he had made a bedazzle bronze medal for Chiles as a potential replacement while the U.S. fights ‘the Powers that be.’” No matter how unique the clock medal is, it can’t replace the one she wanted.
Even though she has received tremendous support on social media, she hasn’t read it because the stress has caused her to disconnect following the event. Her mother has responded in gratitude for her, but she isn’t seeing it because she is so weary from the entire ordeal. You can understand her need to disconnect.
Even if the decision remains that she is the fourth best in that competition during that event this year, have you ever considered how superior she is to everyone else in the world? Most of us would unashamedly admit that we are not even close to her skillset for such gymnastics. If we attempted it, many of us would be in the hospital!
What would you say if you could have a conversation with Jordan to help her reevaluate her success? How would you help her combat her weariness in light of her disappointment?
For more information, visit:
Travis Agnew is a disciple of Jesus, husband to Amanda, dad to the Agnew 3, and Lead Pastor or Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. He loves writing about faith and family at
Study the Bible [Option from the Adult Leader Guide]
In advance, play a song about life being meaningless without God. Then close in prayer.
Additional Questions
- What household task feels like it will never be done?
- What are some activities you consider useless
- What “never ending take” would you love to pass on to someone else?
- What’s the most meaningless activity you’ve been given to do?
- What’s something you get tired of doing over and over again?
Ecclesiastes 1:1-7
- What are some things we should consider when choosing a path in life?
- Why do some people feel life has little meaning?
- How do people without God cope with feelings of emptiness?
- How would you describe an empty life?
- What do the images in these verses communicate?
- How do you cope when you start to think that your life or work is meaningless?
Ecclesiastes 1:8-10
- What phrase or words from this passage resonate with you about how repetitive and meaningless life can seem?
- Why does a sense of futility cause physical and mental weariness?
- How has technology helped or hurt our level of weariness?
- Where do you see evidence that people are experiencing weariness in our culture?
- What are some symptoms of a weary life?
Ecclesiastes 1:11-14
- How can you be certain that it is God who is directing your life and not you yourself?
- How would you describe the average person who tries living without God?
- What tends to make life feel meaningless for you?
- What makes a “miserable task” a miserable task?
- In your experience, what are some key ingredients of a meaningful life?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
Magazine Article
This article complements the study. Share this link with your group members.
Mature Living – The Jordan River Rules
Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
Walter Rowell says
So many people still live in the medieval or dark ages life is meaningless because they have no hope. Others love without care, a ball game, a vacation. Truth is on this earth the trip/ fantasy is better then the destination. Most of the time it’s a disappointment
Yet soon as it’s over we have the memory to reflect on.
Does it feel better to love or be loved. Jesus pointed out that the one forgiven most would most likely love the forgiver most.
Do you think that is true?
It’s deeper
Gaye M Goodall says
Hello – I’m not sure where to ask this question so I will start here. The Bible Studies for Life Adult Fall 2024 quarterly includes 2 units of study – Thrive: Living on Purpose and Navigating Family Conflict. My Sunday School class plans to begin the new quarterly with the second unit of study, Navigating Family Conflict.
I am writing to ask if the “helps” are available for the second unit of study. If so, how can I access them?
Thank you for considering my question. And thank you for all the support material you offer weekly. I use it and appreciate it.
Lynn Pryor says
The Extra schedule follows the suggested schedule listed in the Table of Contents, which are the dates the overwhelming majority of groups follow. Because the intent of Extra is to provide the latest news or stories that could add a connection or teaching point, the Extra blogs are uploaded two weeks before its first use in most groups.
Judy Robinson says
Is there an additional commentary or help other than the Leader Guide (Adults). Thank you.
Lynn Pryor says
We provide a supplemental commentary called Advanced Bible Study. It is available with either CSB or KJV.
John Gary Edalgo says
The eBook – Bible Studies for Life: Senior Adult Leader Guide – KJV – Fall 2024 was not included in the 2024 fall Digital Leader Pack. Can you please assist and/or forward to the correct section for an update/response, please. Love the Leader Pack material! Thank you and God bless.
redeemtion code…ZPCCJ5PNGS36
Lynn Pryor says
Gary, none of the eBooks are a part of the digital leader pack. Inside each session folder, you will find a Word DOC of the KJV Leader guide for that session.
gary edalgo says
yes and thank you but the Word DOC for “Senior” Adult” KJV Leader Guide is NOT there as it generally is…thanks for your assistance and blessings…(this issue comes up periodically and generally takes time to get resolved)…we use the “Senior Guide and not the one you refer to. I see that.
Thank you. gary
The below was last 005792189_2024-SUM
“Session 6 “Senior” Adult KJV Leader Guide Sidekicks”
Session 6 “Adult” KJV Leader Guide Sidekicks
Lynn Pryor says
The Senior Adult Leader Guide is a DOC file, fully customizable. This allows the leader to copy-and-paste any translation.
gary edalgo says
but it is missing from the leader pack….can you please help. Thank you.
Lynn Pryor says
Gary, please use the DOC file labeled Senior Adult CSB Leader Guide. All you have to do is cut-and-paste the KJV text.
[email protected] says
Thank you, brother and God bless.
Slightly disappointed but will get over it. I will just make an additional purchase from the store for:
“Bible Studies for Life: Senior Adult Leader Guide – KJV – Fall 2024” for $8.99.
I would still appreciate an explanation on why the item was not included in the
Bible Studies for Life: Adult Leader Pack – Fall 2024 for $36.99 as it generally is.
I have been blessed with using these resources well over three years and am very familiar with them so unless something changed (obviously) I am missing the item leaving me wondering what to expect in the Winter Pack for planning purposes? Thank you.
My very sincere apologies if I have overlooked/missed anything. Great appreciation for LifeWay Materials, always and all you do in preparing the wonderful resources. gary