Date: July 7, 2024
God’s Promise of a King
The Point: God promised an eternal King and kingdom.
Get Into the Study
After discussing Question #1, ask this follow up question. What is your definition of royalty? Who would be royalty to you?
After allowing time for answers, share the following.
If you follow professional basketball, you know that the Boston Celtics recently defeated the Dallas Mavericks for the NBA Championship. Coach Joe Mazzulla is the coach of the Celtics and known for his outspoken faith. Relatively unknown as a coach until recently, he has consistently mentioned his faith and lived it out on the court.
During a post-game press conference after game two of the Finals, a reporter asked him the significance of this being the first time since 1975 that both Finals coaches were black. Without hesitation, Mazzulla answered, “I wonder how many of those have been Christian coaches.”
This past November during a game with the Miami Heat, Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Prince and Princess of Wales, made a sudden appearance at the game. When asked his thoughts on the British Royal Family’s sudden arrival and whether he was aware of their presence, the Celtics’ coach brought his faith into the conversation, but with a twist of humor. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (were here)? I’m only familiar with one royal family. I don’t know too much about them. But hopefully, they’re Celtics fans.”
His faith is the go-to answer for Joe Mazulla. He is known to defy the expectations of reporters by bringing his faith into the mix. He recently told one reporter that “(The Finals are) just where God has us right now. We’re all exactly where we’re supposed to be, and right now everyone’s mindset is on helping each other and winning.”
Say: Joe Mazzula’s answer about royalty was a humorous explanation of an eternal truth. As believers, we have only one eternal King.
Call attention to The Point and say, “Our study today will look at God’s promise to David and how that promise is a foreshadowing of the coming of Christ as our eternal King.”
Get Into the Study [Option from the Adult Leader Guide]
In advance, play a video clip of some fascinating historical locations. Then ask Question #1.
Study the Bible [Option from Daily Discipleship Guide Leader Guide]
As part of your discussion around 2 Samuel 7:8-9 and how God is at work in our lives, play “Where You Are” by Run51 to give the group an opportunity to consider what it means to let go of the plans they’ve made and open themselves to God’s plan. Give the group an opportunity to pray together, asking God to help them accept and embrace God’s plan for their lives.
Live It Out
Share the following illustration to transition to the Live It Out section.
Eric and Rebecca Lockhart, along with their four sons, are missionaries to Uganda with the International Mission Board. As they were preparing to return to the States on furlough to enroll their oldest son in college, Rebecca began to feel intense exhaustion that she attributed to long hours getting ready to come home. A visit to the doctor revealed something more serious. Rebecca was diagnosed with leukemia and was immediately admitted to the hospital and soon flown back to the United States for treatment.
During the next year, she underwent treatment in Boston, and battled the many illnesses that can accompany cancer and chemotherapy. She underwent her first round of chemotherapy without Eric and her sons with her because they had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and were unable to leave Uganda immediately. She spent forty days in the hospital, undergoing aggressive chemotherapy treatments. The doctor told her they were aiming for a cure. Her response to the doctors was, “As long as you know I’m aiming for Uganda.”
Over the next year, Rebecca underwent additional chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant, and because of the constant danger of infections and her body rejecting the transplant, she spent one hundred days of isolation. During that time, her father, who had been battling his own illness for years, passed away. Her first public event was her father’s funeral.
Slowly, she began improving, and eventually declared cancer free. With her hair growing back, her body getting stronger, and her spirit livening, she had one question: “When can I go back to Uganda?”
About eighteen months after her original diagnosis, she was cleared to return to the Uganda Baptist Seminary, where she is the registrar and Eric teaches theology. Their joy is found in training a new generation of Ugandan Christian leaders.
Say: Rebecca Lockhart is a tremendous picture of someone with a biblical world view that looks beyond current circumstances. Even in the midst of fighting cancer, her focus never wavered. God had given her the privilege of sharing God’s love, and nothing was going to stop her. The doctors were aiming for a cure for her cancer, but she was “aiming for Uganda.” In your walk with Christ, what are you aiming at?
Lynn Riley is retired from the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, where he served as a team member in the areas of evangelism and church health. He and his wife Cheryl live in Smyrna, TN, and are active members of Rolling Hills Community Church in Nolensville, TN. They are spending their retirement years serving their church and spoiling grandkids.
Additional Questions
- What nations or dynasties have you seen rise and fall in your lifetime?
- What world leaders have you seen rise and fall in your lifetime?
- What is the oldest place you’ve ever visited and what were your thoughts while there?
- When have you expected something to last longer than it did?
- When was the last time you visited a palace or a place connected with royalty? What were your impressions?
2 Samuel 7:8-9
- What reminders is God giving David? When do you need those reminders?
- What best grounds you and reminds you where you’ve come from?
- What is effective in helping you believe/trust/understand that God is at work in your life?
- How can we actively look for God’s work in our lives?
- What experiences can you share that demonstrate God being at work in your life?
- How did God’s work in David’s life prepare him to be king of Israel?
- What has helped you recognize God’s work in your life?
2 Samuel 7:10-11
- If you were an Israelite which of these promises would have been most appealing to you and why?
- What does rest from all your enemies look like to you?
- How does God create a secure place for His people in an insecure world?
- What does God’s promise to establish His people reveal about the heart of God?
- How do we navigate the tension between God’s promises in these verses and the tumultuous history of His people?
- What ideas or images come to mind when you read the word “rest”?
- Where could you use some rest right now?
2 Samuel 7:12-16
- What character qualities of God are revealed by His promises to David?
- Describe a time when God rejected your request but rewarded your attitude.
- What can seniors do today that impacts eternity?
- Describe a time God’s purpose exceeded your expectations.
- How should David’s experience with God motivate us to pray and why?
- What does the passage reveal about God’s viewpoint on sin?
- How does the anticipation of Christ’s kingdom encourage you for life today?
- How might this promise impact your attitude toward politics?
- What helps you keep an eternal perspective in your day-to-day life?
- What are some ways these verses point forward to Jesus?
- How can we actively look forward to eternity in the midst of our current lives?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
Why Are We So Fascinated with Royalty?

Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
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