Date: September 19, 2021
Sure of the Truth
The Point: Truth is found in Jesus alone.
Get Into the Study
Use the following story to introduce the session.
In the past few years, the increase in both real and false news being shared over social media has caused a headache for most people. How do we know what’s true? Is this website credible? How do I tell my aging parents that that YouTube video that has them panicking is actually not a real news story?
In fact, things have gotten so bad that AP News, an independent global news source that has spent 150 years focusing on factual reporting, has devoted an entire category of their website solely focusing on clarifying popular falsehoods shared on fringe news sites, and explaining the truth.
Even then, skeptical readers may wonder, How do I know I can trust AP News?
We are living in confusing times, where getting to the truth of what’s happening in our country and our world takes research, patience, and a level head. And we’re surrounded by people—even other Christians—shouting their versions of each story from each end of the political spectrum.
Thankfully, as believers, we can be unified and find peace in the most important truth: Jesus Christ is Lord. He is the ultimate Truth, and the one who will save. And even now, we can turn to Him in our confusion, asking for guidance and discernment as we navigate the minefield of information we wade through each day.
Ashley Emmert is a freelance writer and full-time mama from Chicago, where she lives with her husband and two busy little boys.
Get Into the Study [Option from Adult Leader Guide]
In advance, bring two objects to drop, one very heavy and one very light. Make sure neither is flat and would therefore have more air resistance (for example, you could use a roll of coins and a ping pong ball). Invite group members to speculate as to which will hit the ground first when you drop them. You may have a group member explain what happens and why or show a short video clip. Then ask Question #1.
Live It Out
Use the following as you conclude today’s session.
When Hurricane Ida made landfall on Sunday, August 29th, the force of the storm caused the Mississippi River to flow backward for about a couple of hours. The negative flow was detected by a U.S. Geological Survey gauge. Much of the effects of Hurricane Ida were readily apparent and easily observed and recorded. Other issues surrounding Hurricane Ida may be less clear. While we can see the devastating physical impact, the economic and emotional effects may be more difficult to gauge. And the long-term effects have yet to be seen.
When a fact isn’t easily observed or measured, people often debate its truthfulness. However, this does not make the fact itself any less true.
We need not doubt the truth of who Jesus is or what He has done in our lives. The Holy Spirit works in our lives to make these truths apparent.
Encourage group members to choose one of the Live It Out applications.
Nikki Wilbanks grew up in Tennessee before heading to California to study literature at Pepperdine University. After graduation, she enjoyed a decade-long career as a commercial real estate appraiser and investor. Having returned to Tennessee with her husband, she is now thrilled to be a stay-at-home mom and writer.
Additional Questions
- What’s the wildest conspiracy theory you’ve heard?
- What is something true about you that would surprise almost everyone else in the room?
- What’s one deception you’ve almost fallen for?
1 John 2:18-21
- How does walking in the truth affect our lives in practical ways?
- How does the coming judgment affect how you behave today?
- How can you recognize an antichrist?
1 John 2:22-26
- What kinds of lies is the world currently telling us?
- What makes Jesus a reliable source of truth?
- What benefits have you experienced from walking steadfastly with God?
1 John 2:27-29
- How does belief in the truth translate into everyday actions?
- Who has been an example of righteous living for you?
- How do you determine who’s a trustworthy teacher?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
What Really Matters? The Test of Fellowship
Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
I am not a fan of the subscription model. It is expensive and complicated. NOT AT ALL simple as promoted by Ken on this podcast. why can’t I purchase singular copies of the PDF? I have a lot to say about this but don’t want to post publicly. Thank you
The subscription model is designed for the church to assist them in ordering multiple copies for multiple groups. eBooks are available for the individual. You can see the choices in Bible Studies for Life by clicking here.
eBook versions of the Senior Adult and KJV Adult are coming next Spring. If you are wanting the Senior Adult or KJV Adult for Fall, contact me directly. [email protected].
I feel your pain! I’ve asked this as well. VERY disapointed to find that I can no longer purchase a Leader Guide .pdf A $20 month’y subscription is out of the question.
The eBook is only $6.99. Click here.
We use the KJV in our Senior Adult Sunday School class and I’d like to ask, why is my Fall leader guide written referencing the CSB version? It’s redundant, making the directives in the plan guide confusing.
I apologize for the error. The editorial team has had some technical issues with the Leader Guide, but those glitches have been fixed for the Winter issue.
Thank you so much for your explanation about our fall leader guide and also for adding the continuing option to purchase a single PDF. I will go get it now!