Date: October 9, 2022
Faith on Display in Your Priorities
The Point: No matter what lies ahead, maintain your trust and dependence on God.
Get Into the Study
Share this story after discussing Question #1.
We have discussed how unexpected changes can bring about something better than the original plans, but have you ever thought about the opposite? What if, in an attempt to protect people, you actually endangered them? That happened recently in China.
No matter how long our world battles Covid-19, we cannot find unity on the best way to handle certain situations. Twenty-seven people died recently in southwest China due to circumstances around Covid, but the circumstances are not what we might think. The people died from a bus crash as authorities whisked them away to quarantine.
With their strict policies, China has established numerous hotels to house people when citizens test positive. The bus carrying infected passengers overturned in a single vehicle incident on an expressway at 2:40 AM on Sunday, September 18, 2022. They had been on the road for two and a half hours at the time of the accident.
Since the incident, numerous Chinese people have expressed outrage and confusion regarding why such steps must still be taken and why they deemed it necessary to transport them in the middle of the night. While the investigation is still ongoing, it appears likely that the conditions and timing increased the unfortunate outcome.
What do you find tragically ironic about this story?
In James 4, we will learn that no matter the plans we make or the precautions we take, we are vulnerable people under the hand of the Almighty God. As we plan our lives, we must remember our inability to guarantee anything. We must learn to trust Him rather than ourselves.
For more information, check out this story:
Travis Agnew is a disciple of Jesus, husband to Amanda, dad to the Agnew 3, and Lead Pastor or Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. He loves writing about faith and family at
Study the Bible [Option from Advanced Bible Study Teacher Guide, p. 30]
Prior to class, either print or create a digital display of a variety of traffic signs. Use this link for signs. Before you read James 4:13-17, display each traffic sign, one at a time, and allow students to identify each sign and what the sign is intended to instruct drivers to do.
Ask: What is the purpose of road signs? What could happen if a driver ignored the signs and just drove however he or she wanted? Why should drivers depend on the information on these signs.
Read James 4:13-17. Ask: What does James challenge believers to do? Why should a believer check their plans against the Lord’s will? Why can believers depend upon God’s leadership?
Live It Out
Share the following story as you conclude your session.
In 2020, Apple paid $120 million to acquire the rights for a film about the Civil War. The film had a successful lead actor and director, and when filming wrapped earlier this year, Emancipation started gaining Oscar buzz for 2023. Then at the 2022 Academy Awards, the film’s lead actor got on stage and slapped Chris Rock. Will Smith was subsequently banned from attending any Academy-related events for the next 10 years, and he rescinded his membership in the Academy. Now executives at Apple are reportedly trying to decide what to do with the film they have invested so much time and money in. Should they release the film during this year’s Oscar season and risk offending the Academy? Or do they shelve it until next year? Stephen Galloway, the former executive editor of The Hollywood Reporter, describes the situation as a lose-lose for Apple. “If they shelve the movie, does that tarnish Apple’s reputation? If they release it, does it tarnish their reputation? Hollywood likes a win-win situation. This one is lose-lose.”
We can try to plan for the future, to line up all the best people in our lives, to only invest in win-win situations. But sometimes we end up with what appears to be a lose-lose instead. People let us down. Disasters happen. Circumstances change. When this happens, we have an opportunity to put our faith on display by trusting God in all situations.
Ask: How will our approach to planning and the future look different because of our Christian hope? When our plans fail, how can we help each other trust that God has a good plan for our lives?
Invite the group to review the Live It Out section and each choose one application for this week.
Nikki Wilbanks grew up in Tennessee before heading to California to study literature at Pepperdine University. She enjoyed a decade-long career as a commercial real estate appraiser in Southern California, where she met her husband. Back in Tennessee now, she loves being a writer and mom. She is an active member at Third Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Additional Questions
- What were your childhood dreams for your adult life?
- Growing up, what were some of your biggest priorities?
- How different is your life now compared to what you thought you’d be doing when you were a kid?
James 4:13-17
- How did the COVID season affect your planning?
- How can we find the right balance between planning for our future and trusting God for our future?
- What steps can we take to determine God’s will?
James 5:7-9
- When have you had to demonstrate patience in your relationship with God?
- What area of life have you found it easy to completely depend on God? What area is harder for you?
- What are some of the challenges we face as we wait for the Lord’s return?
James 5:10-11
- How have you experienced the benefits of endurance in your spiritual life?
- How have the lives of other believers encouraged you in your faith?
- How would you describe the behaviors, thoughts, and actions of a person who is standing firm in his/her faith?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
How to Handle Life’s Interruptions
Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
What was the name of the book (1955) mentioned that had 3 questions, 3 tests, and 3 lights?
T.B. Maston, Right or Wrong.
Thank you for this information! I was doing google searches for T.D. Madsen – I couldn’t quite make out what I heard on the podcast. I’m glad I can give proper credit when I share the information with my Sunday School class tomorrow.
I really enjoyed this podcast and find it very useful in helping get
ready for Sunday School class. I especially enjoyed the information from the old 1955 book by T. B. Maston.
I wish I had used it before!