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Date: April 25, 2021
Our Commission
The Point: God sends us to tell others about Jesus.
Get Into the Study
Use the following information to introduce Question #1.
In February, Katheryn Dalrymple was working as an intern at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida when her Dad showed up at work and surprised her. Katheryn was shocked because her father, Special Agent Gerry Dalrymple, had been deployed with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan since March 2020. She was feeding the dolphins when her Dad arrived. “It took a couple of seconds for it actually to register who was behind me. I wasn’t expecting him to be back for at least another month so it really caught me off guard,” said Katheryn Dalrymple.
Say: Gerry Dalrymple, his family, and coworkers worked hard to keep his arrival home from Afghanistan a secret so he could surprise his daughter at her job. Then call attention to Question #1 (What’s the biggest news you’ve ever had to try to keep secret?) and invite volunteers to respond.
Information for this post was gleaned from:
Get Into the Study [Option from Adult Leader Guide]
In advance, play a brief video about keeping secrets or revealing surprises. Then ask Question #1.
Get Into the Study [Option from Adult Leader Guide]
In advance, print out a military commission certificate and bring it to your gathering. Read the commission to your group, and then pass it around so that each person can see it.
Study the Bible
Use the following information to introduce Question #3.
Jacob Zailian pastors the Set Free Church in Sanger, California. The church reaches out to people who are homeless, drug addicts, and gang members. Jacob has a heart for ministering to people on the margins of society because he used to be one of those people. As a young man, he got entangled in drug dealing and drug abuse until he finally landed in the Fresno County Jail. His girlfriend Francine visited him in jail and told him she was leaving him and taking their children with her. When she left, Jacob began to pray. “I was tired of living my life addicted to drugs and gave up and surrendered everything to Christ,” he said. Jacob began to read his Bible and grow stronger in his faith. When he was released from prison, he married Francine. Jacob felt God calling him to minister to the people he understood best – the people who “would scare people who go to most churches.”
The North American Mission Board, along with a local church, supports Jacob as he plants the Set Free Church. Jacob says that his church reaches out to addicts and homeless people to point them to the hope Jesus offers. “It’s pretty much the people that everybody looks at as a lost cause,” he said. When Jacob talks about the ministry or the people whose lives are being changed, he says that all of it “is God.” Jacob wants to help people who are struggling with addiction find the good news of the Gospel, “because I was there once myself.”
Say: Jacob Zailian’s life has been transformed because He chose to follow Jesus. Then call attention to Question #3 (In what ways have you been made new as a result of following Jesus?) and invite volunteers to respond.
Information for this post was gleaned from:
— Donna McKinney wrote these Leader Extras. Donna is retired from a career with the federal government of the United States. She is a veteran Bible study group leader living in North Carolina.
Live It Out [Option from Adult Leader Guide]
Before closing in prayer, play a missions-focused song like Steve Green’s “Find Us Faithful” or invite a volunteer to lead in the singing of one to encourage group members to go forth from this session fired up to share the gospel.
Additional Questions
- When have you been given a really important task to accomplish?
- When was the last time you felt like you were on a mission to find something?
- What is something you could talk about comfortably with no preparation?
Matthew 28:18-20
- In what ways have you been influenced by others as a disciple of Jesus?
- When do you find it most natural to share the gospel?
- What words would you use to describe a disciple of Jesus?
2 Corinthians 5:16-19
- What are some words that describe the “old” portion of your life?
- What are some words that describe your new life in Christ?
- How did you first learn about salvation and Jesus’ forgiveness of our sins?
2 Corinthians 5:20-21
- How would you summarize the key duties of an ambassador for Christ?
- Who helped you understand why you needed to be reconciled to Christ?
- How can we work together as a group to obey Jesus’ commission?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
You Are Commissioned as God’s Masterpiece
Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Tips for Leading Bible Study Groups
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
I enjoy hearing from the author. It make the message more relevant. She is living the teaching. Thanks for what the Lord have called you to.
Robert Aurora Missionary Baptist Boaz Ala.