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Date: January 17, 2021
Created for a Purpose
The Point: God values each of us and created us for a purpose.
Get Into the Study
Use the following to introduce today’s session.
A police officer in California has recently made national news for delivering pizza. When Officer Datil arrested a pizza deliveryman, he probably wasn’t too concerned about whether the pizza would arrive on time. However, pizza is important if you are the one waiting for dinner to arrive. So Officer McCarthy stepped in to deliver the pizza.
When Officer McCarthy decided to become a policeman, pizza delivery was not part of the job description. However, serving others was. So instead of making excuses or dismissing the call, he took this opportunity to fulfill a duty.
Each of us has been created for a purpose by God. The details of the job description vary, but as God presents us with opportunities to serve Him, we are at our best when we don’t make excuses but step up to the task. This week we will see how Jeremiah responded when God called him to fulfill his purpose.
Get Into the Study (Option from Adult Leader Guide)
After asking Question 1, play a video clip that briefly explains personality tests to reinforce to group members how wonderfully we have been made.
Study the Bible (Option from Advanced Bible Study Teacher Guide)
At the conclusion of your discussion of Jeremiah 1:6-8, display this picture of the Declaration of Independence, and discuss how to influence society to value the sanctity of human life.
Study the Bible (Option from Senior Adult Leader Guide)
As a way to conclude this session, ask if group members remember when Bob Barker hosted the TV game show The Price is Right. Ask if anyone knows the name of the host who replaced Bob Barker (Drew Carey). Reminisce about what contestants would guess a car’s price was back in the 1970s and compare that with what a car costs now. (For a list of prices in the 70s, click here).
After having some laughs when you make these comparisons, conclude the session by saying: The value/worth of physical items and people is subjective and transitory in this world. But in God’s eyes the value of people is objective and fixed—no matter what culture says and no matter the physical/mental condition of a person. Because God created every person in His image, every person has value and purpose.
Live It Out
As you conclude today’s session, share the following story as a reminder of the value of every life.
A 27-year old baby was born on October 26th. Molly Everette Gibson is the oldest known frozen embryo to be born. She broke the record previously set by her sister, Emma Wren Gibson, who was born in 2017 after being frozen as an embryo for 24 years. The genetic sisters had been frozen together and now have the chance to grow up together, as well.
God has a purpose for Molly and Emma. He created both of them with great care. Similarly, God values each of us and created us for a purpose. Consider the value that God has placed on you and each person you come in contact with this week. Look for opportunities to fulfill your purpose and to support others in their God-given purposes.
Nikki Wilbanks grew up in Tennessee before heading to California to study literature at Pepperdine University. After graduation, she enjoyed a decade-long career as a commercial real estate appraiser and investor. Having returned to Tennessee with her husband, she is now thrilled to be a stay-at-home mom, writer, and Bible study teacher.
Additional Questions
- What are some things you really appreciate in life that others seem to overlook?
- What animal best describes your personality?
- How would you define your mission or purpose in life?
Jeremiah 1:4-5
- When have you felt called or drawn to accomplishing a specific task?
- How can we be sure about God’s purpose for our lives?
- How has an understanding of God’s plan encouraged you in a difficult season?
Jeremiah 1:6-8
- When you know God is with you, how does it affect your attitude toward everyday life?
- What are some fears that we may have that hinder our witness for the Lord?
- Why is humility integral to being used by God?
Jeremiah 1:9-10
- In what ways does God equip us to do His work?
- How do we make ourselves available for God to use?
- How does it feel to know that God has given you everything you need to fulfill your purpose?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
Stop Seeing People as Commodities
Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Tips for Leading Bible Study Groups
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
Wrong podcast I think
Corrected. Sorry for the Inconvenience.
No Problem. I REALLY enjoy the podcasts and insights. I have a greater appreciation for the images used and am incorporating them in my study lessons. Thanks!