Date: May 8, 2022
Watch for Christ’s Return
The Point: When Christ returns, everyone will know it.
Get Into the Study
Use the following information to introduce Question #1.
Each year the National Sport Media Association presents the Woody Durham Voice of College Sports Award. The award is named for Woody Durham, who was the Hall of Fame voice of University of North Carolina basketball and football for 40 years. His voice was easily recognized by generations of Carolina sports fans. The 2022 award was given to Joe Starkey. He has been the radio play-by-play announcer for University of California football since 1975. The award is presented to a college broadcaster, based on his or her preparation, tenure at their school, work in their community, character, and mentorship of young broadcasters.
Say: Some radio or television announcers might have a very recognizable voice. Then call attention to Question #1 (Whose voice can you recognize instantly?) and invite volunteers to respond.
Information for this post was gleaned from:
Get Into the Study Option (from Adult Leader Guide, p. 119)
To introduce the icebreaker question, play a funny video explaining voice recognition. Then ask Question #1.
Study the Bible
Use the following information to introduce Question #2.
A recent article in USA Today reported that the volume of scam calls to Americans set new records last year. Americans lost about $30 billion to scam callers. Over time, scam callers have become more aggressive and deceptive, as they work to trick innocent people into believing that the scam call is legitimate. The article named several ways the scammers work. Knowing their tricks can sometimes help consumers avoid being scammed. Here are some ways scammers work: Sometimes scammers make fake technical support calls and work to get access to a person’s data or plant malicious code on the person’s phone or computer. Sometimes scammers take advantage of seasonal events – like tax season or health care enrollment seasons – to call and trick people. Sometimes scammers call offering fake auto warranties. They might also pretend to call regarding social security, package deliveries, or wireless providers. Sometimes they use “neighborhood calls” – disguising their number with a familiar area code, so the person being called is more likely to answer.
Say: Knowing how scammers work and some of the tricks they use can help consumers protect themselves against being deceived. Then call attention to Question #2 (What are some ways to guard against spiritual deception?) and invite volunteers to respond.
Information for this post was gleaned from:
Study the Bible (Option from the Daily Discipleship Guide, p. 159)
Use the following teaching idea after you have read aloud Matthew 24:26-29.
Display a 3D illusion image using your phone or a tablet (click here for the image). Invite a volunteer to “see” the hidden image and allow time for him or her to do this. Explain that unlike the hidden image, Jesus’s return will be obvious to all people. We will not have to squint or look closely; Jesus’s return will be unmistakeable!
Study the Bible Option for Young Adults (Young Adult Leader Guide, p. 127)
In advance, locate two pictures with several slight differences. You can project the images in your meeting room or make copies, so every group member has their own. Ask group members to look at the two pictures and silently identify the differences. After everyone has had time to examine the pictures, ask for volunteers to point out the differences to the group.
Discuss how difficult it can be to spot subtle differences and compare this activity with the difficulties we face when trying to identify false messiahs and false prophets in the world today.
Images can be found at
— Donna McKinney wrote these Leader Extras. Donna is retired from a career with the federal government of the United States. She is a veteran Bible study group leader living in North Carolina.
Additional Questions
- When have you really looked forward to a reunion?
- Whose laugh can you instantly identify even if you can’t see them?
- When have you joined others to await an important event? What did you do to pass the time?
Matthew 24:23-25
- How would you describe some of the false teachings being promoted today?
- What makes false teachings so dangerous?
- Why are people sometimes drawn to individuals who claim to be some type of messiah?
Matthew 24:26-29
- Why is it important to remain focused and fearless when it comes to awaiting Christ’s return?
- What do you find comforting in these verses?
- According to these verses, how secretive or visible will Jesus’ return be?
Matthew 24:30-31
- What should we do while we wait for Christ to return?
- How do these verses impact your attitude toward Christ’s return?
- What do you most anticipate about Jesus’ return?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up?
Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Magazine Article
This article complements the study. Share this link with your group members.
- Mature Living – This Place Called Heaven
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
George Morris says
How do I download or print out the pages shown in in my Adults Leader Guide? For instance in the Spring 2022 Bible Studies for Life, Study 2: Christs Return, page 120, pack item 10, “How to Identify a False Messiah” handout.
How do I get this handout?
Lynn Pryor says
You’ll see in the group plan on page 120 (right below “Discuss Question #2”) a paragraph about the Leader Pack. This is a supplemental resource that is purchased separately. There is a physical pack and a digital version.