Date: December 3, 2023
The Importance of God’s Name
The Point: God’s name reveals He is the all-powerful God whom we can completely trust.
Get Into the Study
Instead of asking Question #1, invite group members to tell if they have a domain name and what it is. Share the following:
A domain name is significant according to www.linkedin.com because it’s the foundation of your online presence. It’s your address in an online world; it’s how users discover you. Around 350 million new domain names get registered each quarter.
Your Online Identity. A domain name is unique. It may say something about your background or activities. It can enhance your credibility and professional image.
Having a recognizable brand. Your domain name “brands” you like your logo.
Simple to Recall and Visit. Easy-to-remember domains are appealing and more likely to be used.
Getting Google Attention. How you rank on search engines like Google depends on important words in your domain name.
Possessing Choices and Control. Creating your own domain means you have control over your website/emails and can make changes whenever you want.
Security and Trust. You can add crucial security features, like SSL certificates, to increase the safety of your website while fostering trust and enhancing your reputation.
While you can use an infinite number of character permutations to create an unused domain name, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to secure a name with .com. You can, however, get an easy-to-remember, catchy name with a different extension like .net, .org, .co, .us, etc. New top level domains are on the rise, with the .ai domain being especially popular due to the rise of artificial intelligence.
At this point suggest the group go to “The Bible Meets Life” in the Personal Study Guide to read the two paragraphs about God and His name.
Study the Bible
After examining the “Names of God,” Pack Item 2, share the following story in which the person’s name had an impact on the direction his life was going:
Hector Vega was in prison again. To make matters worse, the prison where he was incarcerated got his name wrong. Another inmate with the same last name committed suicide, but the prison staff declared Hector dead and sent a chaplain to Hector’s family to deliver the bad news. That started a chain of events that led to Hector’s realization that he really was dead… that is, spiritually. Although alive, he was spiritually lifeless.
Hector grew up in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City, where he made a series of destructive choices involving alcohol, drugs, and promiscuity. He started drinking at age 11, and it was a downward spiral from there – taking drugs, selling drugs, and going in and out of prison. He felt deep remorse and shame and tried to fix his life many times.
Another inmate repeatedly invited Hector to chapel, and he finally gave in and went. He started reading the Bible. In His love and mercy, God planted mentors along his path. When Hector left prison for good in 1996, he knew God had remade him from the inside out. Since then, he has worked in insurance, directed a homeless shelter, and pastored East Harlem Fellowship since 2009. Married to his teen sweetheart for 30 years, Hector and his wife have four children. He has written Arrested by Grace: The True Story of Death and Resurrection from the Streets of New York City.
Continue to question #4 and invite group members to describe God’s call on their own or someone else’s life.
EXTRA was written by Carole Segars Waina, a Lifeway contributor for over 30 years. She became a Christian when she was 7 in a little country church under her daddy’s preaching. Carole and her husband love to travel from their Texas home to just about anywhere! They often take the whole family along, except for Oliver the cat.
Additional Questions
- What tricks do you use to remember people’s names?
- What is something interesting or unique about your name?
- Who in your family tree has an interesting or unique name?
- What’s an heirloom you have that means a lot to your family?
Exodus 3:1-6
- How can we best discern if we are approaching God with reverential fear?
- What are some physical ways we can show reverence to God?
- In your own words, what does it mean for something to be “holy”?
- What can we learn from these verses about God’s nature and character?
- How should we approach God and honor His holiness today?
Exodus 3:9-12
- What are the implications for us that God heard the cry of His people?
- How has God been faithful in your life?
- What promises are you trusting God to fulfill? What reasons do you have for trusting God?
- Where do you see evidence in your own life that God is with you?
- What challenges do we face when God calls us to act on His behalf?
- How could Moses be sure that God’s promises are true? How can we be sure they are true?
Exodus 3:13-15
- How might God call people today to go as He called Moses to go?
- How might knowing God to be “I AM” change someone’s perspective?
- What does God’s response to Moses reveal about His character?
- How does God’s name help you trust Him?
- How should knowing that God is sovereign give us encouragement in our daily lives?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:

Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
This podcast helped me, as a teacher and a bible student. When I read through the lesson in the teacher the leader and personal resources I was confused. This discussion helped clarify what I had read because I was expecting to study the different names for God. Light came on. Thanks
I’m new to listening to the podcast . The brothers brought out some great points that i will be able to use as i try to teach with the help of The HOLY SPIRIT our adult mens class. Thank you and GOD bless
I am always grateful for the questions in this section. I enjoy leading discussion in our bible study group and I feel like good questions lead to learning. Often I will adapt questions from the study and wanted to add a few in case it helps others.
Do you know why you were given the name you have?
What does a brand name tell you about the product or company?
Simple question – Do you trust God?
What if God moves you to a lowly position?
After getting Moses’ attention what did God do?
Why is it significant that he called him by his name?
(Calls you by your name? – someone needs to v. Jeff needs to…)
God stops him and tells him to take off his shoes. Why?
(Why can’t he wear his shoes?)
How do you approach God?
How should we approach God? How do others in the Bible react when in the presence of God? (Isaiah 6:1-5)
(Is God your homeboy?)
What was Moses response to hearing he was standing before God?
What else in this section stands out to you?
(Fire – Exodus 13:21-22, Solomon dedication, offering, Fire came from heaven Chronicles 7:1-3)
Why does God say the names of Moses forefathers as part of his name?
Exodus 3: 7-12
When were you reluctant to do a task?
Moses asks why send me… Why send a shepherd that doesn’t’ speak well?
(Moses excuses) Why is it difficult to trust “I Am” to meet our needs?
What is faith? (Heb. 11:1)
It amazes me how we today still have questions as to who I Am is today vs. the Hebrews questions over 3000 years ago. God gave us the answers in his word and if we spend a lifetime studying it we will just scratch the surface on understanding who he is. Thank you Jesus for the reveling the Father to me.