Few things in life are universal—experienced by all people no matter where they live, who they know, or what they have. Unfortunately, suffering is something that is common to all people. With our suffering come questions, and perhaps the most common one is—Why? In this study, we will look at seven questions related to the pain and suffering we all endure. Our goal isn’t simply to walk away with a bunch of simplistic answers, but to embrace real hope through the wisdom we find in God’s Word. God cares for us, and He is at work. Even though suffering isn’t easy, God works through our suffering to help us grow in maturity and to demonstrate His power in our lives.
Session 1: Why Does Suffering Exist?
Scripture: Genesis 3:16-19; Romans 8:18-25
The Point: Suffering is a part of living in a fallen world.
Session 2: How Can God Use Me When Others Suffer?
Scripture: Isaiah 58:3-11
The Point: God calls us to stand up for those who suffer from injustice.
Session 3: Why Am I Suffering?
Scripture: Job 11:13-16; 23:8-12; John 9:1-3
The Point: Don’t assume your suffering is the direct result of sin in your life.
Session 4: What is God’s Answer to Suffering?
Scripture: Job 40:1-8; 42:1-6
The Point: God’s actions are often beyond our understanding, but we can trust Him.
Session 5: Does God Really Understand My Pain and Suffering?
Scripture: Isaiah 53:2-12
The Point: Jesus willingly experienced pain and suffering for our salvation.
Session 6: Where Does Comfort Come From?
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
The Point: As God comforts us, we are to comfort others.
Session 7: How Can I Honor God in My Suffering?
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
The Point: Every part of life—including difficulties—is an opportunity to glorify God.
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