When we want to get into better physical shape, it’s good to begin by setting goals and creating an action plan. We might commit to making better food selections, going for a jog every day, joining a gym, or maybe all three! In theory, getting into good shape isn’t rocket science. But in practice, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. The hard part isn’t deciding what to do—it’s doing it! Having a plan isn’t enough. We have to be disciplined enough to work it. Spiritual growth requires the same disciplined approach. We have to know the steps to take, and then we have to actually take the steps. In this study, we will look at some things to do in order to experience spiritual health. We won’t just consider what the Bible says about how to grow—we will also consider the applications of the biblical principles we discover. These disciplines are worth our time and investment because they help us experience the life and joy Jesus wants us to experience in Him.
Session 1: The Benefit of Spiritual Disciplines
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:1-10
The Point: Growth in Christ occurs when we practice spiritual disciplines.

Session 2: Knowing God
Scripture: Psalm 119:17-24
The Point: Our hearts are satisfied as we encounter God through His Word.

Session 3: Intimacy with Jesus
Scripture: John 17:1-5,21-26
The Point: Prayer draws us closer to Jesus as our hearts align with His.

Session 4: Maintaining Focus on Jesus
Scripture: Daniel 9:1-7,17-19
The Point: Fasting and confession keep us rightly focused on Christ.

Session 5: Connecting to Christ’s Body
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-24
The Point: Spiritual growth requires that we live in community with other believers.

Session 6: Joining God’s Work
Scripture: John 15:1-8
The Point: Believers are to join God’s work in both the church and the world.

Will leader extra return? It seems to have stopped in September of 2020.
Wendell Booten
Leader Extras for summer are now available! Thank you!