A podcast where we discuss what really works in discipleship!
In Rabbinic tradition, if you were to become a disciple of your rabbi, you were to become like them. You would walk the way they walked, dress the way they dressed, teach the way they taught. You were to become a mirror image of what they were. You became their legacy, their mouthpiece, their future message.
This is a similar framework to what happened when Jesus called His first disciples. However, he asked fishermen, those not selected by other rabbis, to become the future messengers for all of evangelism. This is the model of discipleship—why discipleship is so important.
When I was in junior high, an older, wiser college student brought me under his wing. He was my first mentor that taught me how to study Scripture, how to pray, and how to lead. Because he sincerely wanted to spend time with me, I hung onto every word he spoke over me. He was a sinner just like me, but he took the time to pour into me and disciple me into a young man after God’s own heart. And his impact has never left me.
Have you ever seen this modeled in your congregation? Have you ever wondered how other churches strategize or implement discipleship into their congregation, small groups, or new member programs? As church leaders and members, I think this is something we have all considered. What is discipleship? So, Bible Studies for Life created Discipleology—a podcast about what really works in discipleship. And it’s time for part 2!
Starting in our second season, co-hosts Michael Kelley and myself, Andrew Hudson, interview pastors, youth ministers, kids ministers, and discipleship experts throughout the country to show the importance of solid discipleship and practical tips on how to implement those characteristics into your ministry setting. In one episode, we meet Tyler, a family & student minister in inner city Baltimore; in another, we meet a senior pastor in rural Kentucky with an intentional model of replication. Later, Michael and I sit down with John, a kids minister with a thriving group. Learn from the front lines on how people are actually discipling!
In the first season, Michael and I sat down with Lifeway Research’s Scott McConnell to discuss the research behind the Discipleship Pathway. In those first 10 episodes, the three of us walked through each of the Signposts and established a foundation that discipleship (and Bible Studies for Life) can be built upon.
One of the most rewarding parts of this podcast has been hearing how it’s helping the discipleship effort in churches all over. How is discipleship changing your congregation? What are some tips you have to share with other churches like yours? If your church is doing discipleship well and you have a story of life change you’d like to share, we’d love to know about it! Send an email to [email protected] to share your discipleship story.
To keep up with all things discipleship, subscribe to Discipleology wherever you listen to podcasts (and tell your church staff to do the same)!
For more information, check out discipleology.com.
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