Trust and Obey God
Grades 1–6: Trust and Obey God — Session 4: A Widow Obeyed (September 24)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Sink or Float Materials: large clear or container (like a dishpan), random objects Pour 2 inches of water into the container. Tell the kids you will show them various items and they have to guess whether the items will sink or float when you drop the item into the water. […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Trust and Obey God — Session 3: Esther Helped Her People (September 17)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Esther Acrostic Materials: paper, pencils Give each child a piece of paper and a pencil. Instruct the kids to write ESTHER down the left side of their papers. Tell them to use Esther’s name to create an acrostic about courage by using each letter to create a word or phrase. Afterward, give […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Trust and Obey God — Session 2: Deborah Judged the People (September 10)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Dance of Victory Materials: music player Before class, choose an upbeat Christian song to play in class. In class, tell your class that sometimes after great victories, people sing songs and dance to celebrate. Tell your children that they will learn today about a great victory won by Deborah, and […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Trust and Obey God — Session 1: Rahab Hid the Spies in Jericho (September 3)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Jericho Maze Materials: paper, pencil Give every child a piece of paper and a pencil. Instruct them to draw a large circle on their paper. Tell them to draw one “stick man” on top of the circle and a group of “stick men” on the bottom, representing a spy that […]
Read MoreKids Fall 2023 Extras
Unit 1: Trust and Obey God Session 1: Rahab Hid the Spies in Jericho (9/3/2023) Session 2: Deborah Judged the People (9/10/2023) Session 3: Esther Helped Her People (9/17/2023) Session 4: A Widow Obeyed (9/24/2023) Unit 2: God’s Plan for Families Session 1: Isaac and Rebecca (10/1/2023) Session 2: Abram Solved a Quarrel (10/8/2023) Session […]
Read MoreKids Printables Fall 2023
Grades 1 & 2 Printables Grades 3 & 4 Printables Preteen Printables Grades 1–6 Printables Special Buddies Printables
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