The Birth of Jesus
Grades 1–6: The Birth of Jesus — Session 1: Prophets Told of Jesus’ Birth (December 3)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – What Will Happen? Materials: laptop or tablet, video of funny bloopers Before the session, find a video that contains several funny bloopers in succession. In class, show the video to your children and pause the video right before the funny blooper occurs. Each time you pause the video, ask: “What […]
Read MoreKids Winter 2023-24 Extras
Unit 1: The Birth of Jesus Session 1: Prophets Told of Jesus’ Birth (12/3/2023) Session 2: Angels Visited Mary and Joseph (12/10/2023) Session 3: Mary and Elizabeth (12/17/2023) Session 4: Jesus Was Born (12/24/2023) Session 5: Wise Men Worshiped Jesus (12/31/2023) Unit 2: Salvation in Jesus Session 1: John the Baptist (1/7/2024) Session 2: Nicodemus […]
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