YEAR 2023-24
Preschool: No One Is Like God: Session 1—The People Crossed the Red Sea (November 5)
1s & 2s— Follow Footprints Bible Story: The People Crossed the Red Sea Exodus 13:17-22; 14Life Point: God can do all things.Weekly Verse: God, You can do anything. Job 42:2 Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 10, strip of paper, Kids Activity Page, footprints cut from construction paper, tape 3–Pre-K— Play with Boats Bible Story: The People Crossed the Red Sea Exodus 13:17-22; 14Life […]
Read MorePreschool: God’s Plan for Families: Session 5—God’s Plan for Abraham and Sarah (October 29)
1s & 2s— Care for a Baby Bible Story: God’s Plan for Abraham and Sarah Genesis 17:1-8,15-22; 18:1-15; 211-7Life Point: Parents and other family members can take care of children.Weekly Verse: Take care of your family. 1 Timothy 5:4 Materials: Teaching Picture 9, vinyl baby doll, blanket 3–Pre-K— Wash Dolls Bible Story: God’s Plan for Abraham and Sarah Genesis 17:1-8,15-22; 18:1-15; 211-7Life […]
Read MorePreschool: God’s Plan for Families: Session 4—Ruth Helped Her Family (October 22)
1s & 2s— Pretend to Cook Bible Story: Ruth Helped Her Family Ruth 1–2Life Point: Family members can love and help one another.Weekly Verse: Help one another in love. Galatians 5:13 Materials: Teaching Picture 8, toy pots and pans, kitchen center 3–Pre-K— Find Shoes Bible Story: Ruth Helped Her Family Ruth 1–2Life Point: Family members can love and help one another.Weekly Verse: Help […]
Read MorePreschool: God’s Plan for Families: Session 3—Moses Told Parents to Teach Children (October 15)
1s & 2s— Find Pictures in the Bible Bible Story: Moses Told Parents to Teach Children Deuteronomy 4–6Life Point: Family members can read the Bible and talk about God.Weekly Verse: Teach God’s words to your children. Deuteronomy 6:7 Materials: Teaching Picture 7, Read to Me Bible for Kids (or other Bible with pictures), paper strips 3–Pre-K— Play with Family Figures […]
Read MorePreschool: God’s Plan for Families: Session 2—Abram Solved a Quarrel (October 8)
1s & 2s— Paint on Bubble Wrap Bible Story: Abram Solved a Quarrel Genesis 13Life Point: Family members can choose to work together and get along.Weekly Verse: Show love to one another. Romans 12:10 Materials: large sheet of bubble wrap, paint in cups, paintbrushes, painting smocks, paper, tape 3–Pre-K— Draw with Chalk Bible Story: Abram Solved a Quarrel Genesis 13Life Point: Family […]
Read MorePreschool: God’s Plan for Families: Session 1—The First Family (October 1)
1s & 2s— Paint with Watercolors Bible Story: The First Family Genesis 1:27-28; 2:8; 3:20; 4:1-2Life Point: God has a plan for families.Weekly Verse: God made man and woman. Genesis 1:27 Materials: Teaching Picture 5, paper, marker, watercolors, brushes, cups of water, painting smocks 3–Pre-K—Play a Movement Game Bible Story: The First Family Genesis 1:27-28; 2:8; 3:20; 4:1-2Life Point: God has a […]
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