Thank You, God, for the Bible
Preschool: Thank You, God, for the Bible: Session 4—Paul Traveled to Rome (June 26)
1s & 2s— Play with Toy Boats Bible Story: Paul Traveled to Rome Acts 27–28 Life Point: The Bible tells what happened to people who loved God and Jesus.Weekly Verse: All God’s words are true. Psalm 119:160 Materials: Teaching Picture 4, toy boats, blue paper or cloth, cardboard blocks Spread the paper or cloth on the floor. Display the Teaching Picture […]
Read MorePreschool: Thank You, God, for the Bible: Session 3—Paul Helped a Friend (June 19)
1s & 2s— Match Bibles to Outlines Bible Story: Paul Helped a Friend PhilemonLife Point: People wrote God’s words in the Bible.Weekly Verse: All that the Bible says is from God. 2 Timothy 3:16 Materials: Teaching Picture 3, poster board, marker, three or four Bibles of different sizes Lay the Bibles on the poster board and trace around each one […]
Read MorePreschool: Thank You, God, for the Bible: Session 2—Lydia Learned About Jesus (June 12)
1s & 2s—“Type” on a Keyboard Bible Story: Lydia Learned About Jesus Acts 16:6-15Life Point: The Bible tells about people who loved Jesus.Weekly Verse: Grow in what you know about Jesus. 2 Peter 3:18 Materials: Teaching Picture 2, old computer keyboard Display the Teaching Picture near the keyboard. Invite a preschooler to “type” on the keyboard. Comment that people use […]
Read MorePreschool: Thank You, God, for the Bible: Session 1—Jesus Read the Scroll/Jesus Taught Nicodemus (June 5)
1s & 2s— Build with Plastic Blocks Bible Story: Jesus Read the Scroll Luke 4:16-22Life Point: The Bible tells about Jesus.Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “The Bible tells about Me.” Luke 4:21 Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 1, plastic interlocking blocks (like Duplo® Bricks) Display the Teaching Picture with the blocks. Talk about the Bible story as preschoolers play. Point to Jesus in the […]
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