Born in Bethlehem
Social Media—12/05/2021
Sunday Today’s Bible story taught that Old Testament prophets wrote that God would send the Savior. Isaiah and Micah wrote of the coming Messiah, God’s plan for salvation. Tuesday The Weekly Verse reminds us of our Life Point for the week: Old Testament prophets wrote that God would send the Savior. A verse for each […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Born in Bethlehem — Session 4: Wise Men Worshiped Jesus (12/26/2021)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Crawl Tag As kids arrive, play crawl-tag! Assign someone it be It for a normal game of tag with a twist: everyone crawls to move around the room! It should crawl around trying to tag others. If someone is tagged, she becomes It! Kids can simply join along in the game as […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Born in Bethlehem—Session 3: Jesus Was Born (12/19/2021)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity— Tree Trimming Materials: Christmas garland or tinsel, plastic Christmas decorations (You will need a set of tinsel/garland and decorations for each team.) Group kids into two or more teams. Guide each team to choose a “tree” (one of the kids). The “tree” will stand in the middle of his team. On […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Born in Bethlehem — Session 2: God Chose Mary and Joseph (12/12/2021)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Choose a Friend Materials: None Once all kids arrive, gather everyone together and tell them they will be choosing a partner based on something they have in common. Use the following categories or create some of your own to encourage kids to choose a partner.-Choose a partner wearing something similar to you.-Choose […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Born in Bethlehem—Session 1: Prophets Foretold the Messiah’s Birth (12/5/2021)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Scavenger Hunt Materials: Items brought from home or already in the group space (i.e. box of crayons, stuffed animal, specific book, eraser, yellow pencil, red pen, etc.), timer Create a list of items in your group space that you have hidden in different areas around the room and write that list where […]
Read MoreKids Winter 2021-22 Extras
Unit 1: Born in Bethlehem Session 1: Prophets Foretold the Messiah’s Birth (12/05/2021) Social Media Session 2: God Chose Mary and Joseph (12/12/2021) Social Media Session 3: Jesus Was Born (12/19/2021) Social Media Session 4: Wise Men Worshiped Jesus (12/26/2021) Social Media Unit 2: Jesus, the Teacher Session 1: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha (1/02/2022) […]
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