Worshiping and Serving God
Social Media—2/06/2022
Sunday Today’s Bible story taught that the church sings and uses music to worship God. After Hezekiah cleaned the temple, the people sang and the leaders played music to give thanks to God. Tuesday The Weekly Verse points us to the Life Point this week: The church sings and uses music to worship God. Follow […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Worshiping and Serving God—Session 4: Jesus Cleansed the Temple (2/27/2022)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Four Corners Materials: Paper, marker, tape Label the four corners in your space 1, 2, 3, and 4. Choose one child to be It, and tell that child turn around and close his eyes. The remaining kids should take 5 seconds to choose a corner. With his eyes still closed, It calls […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Worshiping and Serving God—Session 3: Jesus Talked with the Teachers (2/20/2022)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Teach the Teacher Materials: None Ask kids if there is anything they think they know how to do that you (the teacher) doesn’t know how to do. It might be a dance, how to draw something, or an activity. See if any child would volunteer to get up and teach you how […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Worshiping and Serving God—Session 2: Joash and the People Gave Offerings (2/13/2022)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Make the Longest List Materials: Paper, pencils, timer Create two teams of kids and set a timer for five minutes. Give each team a paper and pencil. Tell the kids to work in their teams to make a list of all the ways people can give to or serve at church. If […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Worshiping and Serving God—Session 1: Hezekiah and the People Worshiped (2/6/2022)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Hot Potato Materials: Ball, worship music Gather kids into a circle and play a game of hot potato! Start the worship music as kids pass the ball around the room. When you randomly stop the music, the person with the “potato” steps out of the circle to cheer everyone else on! After […]
Read MoreKids Winter 2021-22 Extras
Unit 1: Born in Bethlehem Session 1: Prophets Foretold the Messiah’s Birth (12/05/2021) Social Media Session 2: God Chose Mary and Joseph (12/12/2021) Social Media Session 3: Jesus Was Born (12/19/2021) Social Media Session 4: Wise Men Worshiped Jesus (12/26/2021) Social Media Unit 2: Jesus, the Teacher Session 1: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha (1/02/2022) […]
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