People Followed Jesus
Grades 1-6: People Followed Jesus—Session 4: People Praise Jesus (March 28)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Wave Streamers Materials: praise music, crepe paper cut into 2-foot streamers Give each child a streamer. Play a praise song and encourage kids to wave their streamers to the music. Ask a child what the song said about Jesus (or God). Continue by playing several songs, waving streamers, and talking about the […]
Read MoreGrades 1-6: People Followed Jesus—Session 3: People Learn from Jesus (March 21)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Memorizing Movements Materials: no materials needed Create teams of three to four kids depending on your class size. Instruct teams to make up movements that go along with today’s Life Point: People can learn from Jesus by reading the Bible and praying. The movements can be a group routine or individual hand […]
Read MoreGrades 1-6: People Followed Jesus—Session 2: Jesus Chose Disciples (March 14)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Follow the Leader Materials: music As kids arrive, appoint a leader. Start playing a song and instruct the leader to dance any way she’d like. The other kids should copy the leader’s moves exactly. The leader can yell at any point “Free dance,” and let everyone freestyle. She can then say “Mirror,” […]
Read MoreGrades 1-6: People Followed Jesus—Session 1: John Told About Jesus (March 7)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity—Beach Ball Spell Materials: large blanket, beach ball Once at least four kids arrive, give each one a corner of the blanket. Place the beach ball on top and encourage them to bounce the beach ball on the blanket while spelling the name Jesus. If the ball falls off, they should start […]
Read MoreKids Spring 2021 Extras
General Guidelines for Social Distancing Unit 1: People Followed Jesus Session 1: John Told About Jesus (3/07/2021) Ministry Grid Overview Social Media Session 2: Jesus Chose Disciples (3/14/2021) Ministry Grid Overview Social Media Session 3: People Learn from Jesus (3/21/2021) Ministry Grid Overview Social Media Session 4: People Praise Jesus (3/28/2021) Ministry Grid Overview Social […]
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