The Extraordinary Word of God
Grades 1–6: The Extraordinary Word of God — Session 4: Prophets Told About Jesus (November 24)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Draw and Guess Materials: dry erase board, markers, and eraser; timer (optional) Ask the kids to tell you the best gifts they have ever received. Tell kids they can guess what gift is being drawn. Choose a volunteer to draw. Whisper a gift to the child. (Ideas: bike, football, doll, shirt, book, […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: The Extraordinary Word of God — Session 3: Daniel Interpreted the King’s Dreams (November 17)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Find That Verse Materials: Bibles, paper, marker Print Bible references on paper, one reference per page. Choose verse familiar to your kids, Bible verses from past Sunday School sessions, or verses that tell people to do something. Possible references: Jeremiah 33:3; Ezekiel 37:27; John 3:16; John 13:34; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:32; James […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: The Extraordinary Word of God — Session 2: Ezekiel Offered Hope (November 10)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Shuffleboard Materials: poster board, markers, coin Draw 12 circles on the poster board, different sizes and random locations. Print a letter in the center of each circle: A, D, E, H, I, J, M, N, O, Z. Place the coin on the board. Lead kids to take turns using a fingertip to […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: The Extraordinary Word of God — Session 1: God Told Jeremiah What to Write (November 3)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Bounce and Spell Materials: plastic cups, unsharpened pencils, permanent markers, stopwatch (or other timer) Print the letters of BIBLE on plastic cups, one letter per cup. Make at least two sets. On a table, set up the 5 cups to spell the word; create space between each cup. Lay several pencils on […]
Read MoreFall 2019 Bible Studies for Life Preschool Christ Connections
Unit 1, Session 1 Jesus Healed the Official’s Son John 4:46-54 Jesus did miracles to help people believe that He is the Son of God. Jesus has power over everything, and anyone who believes in Him will live with Him forever. Unit 1, Session 2: Jesus Calmed the Storm Jesus is the only one who […]
Read MoreFall 2019 Bible Studies for Life Kids Christ Connections
Unit 1, Session 1 Jesus Healed the Official’s Son John 4:46-54 Jesus performed miracles to help people believe that He is the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus has power over everything, and those who believe in Him will have eternal life. Unit 1, Session 2: Jesus Calmed the Storm Jesus is the only one […]
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