The Amazing Power of Jesus
Week of September 1 – Jesus Healed the Official’s Son – Social Media Plan
Sunday Parents, today your child learned that Jesus has power over sickness. When an official in the royal court came and pleaded for his son’s life, Jesus responded by healing him from afar. Monday Our Daily Bible Reading found on our One Conversation™ page reminds us of our Life Point for the week: Jesus has […]
Read MorePreschool Social Media Week of September 29
Parents, today your child learned that Jesus can give people what they need. Jesus helped His disciples catch a large net full of fish after they had not caught any fish all night. Jesus gives us what we need, too.
Read MorePreschool Social Media Week of September 22
Parents, today your child learned the Jesus can do things he cannot do. Jesus walked on the water to the boat in which His disciples were traveling. What an awesome miracle!
Read MorePreschool Social Media Week of September 15
Parents, today your child learned that Jesus can help people. Jesus healed a man who was born blind so that He could display the greatness and glory of God, who sent Him.
Read MorePreschool Social Media Week of September 8
Parents, your child learned that Jesus tells the weather what to do. When the disciples were frightened by a sudden storm, Jesus spoke and everything was calm!
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