The Amazing Power of Jesus
Grades 1–6: The Amazing Power of Jesus — Session 2: Jesus Calmed a Storm (September 8)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity – Windblown Materials: balloons (one per child), plastic cups, tape, stopwatch or timer Use tape to make a line on a table. Set 7 cups in a row on the line. Set up several stations of 7 cups for several kids to participate at a time. Guide a child to stand […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: The Amazing Power of Jesus — Session 1: Jesus Healed the Official’s Son (September 1)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Puzzle Race Materials: colored paper, marker, scissors, tape Print the Unit Verse on 3-5 different colors of paper; print the complete verse on each color. Cut each verse into 8 pieces. Tape the pieces randomly on the walls around the game area. Group the kids into teams (the same number of teams […]
Read MoreWeek of September 29 – Breakfast with Jesus – Social Media Plan
Sunday Parents, your child heard that Jesus has the power to come again someday. Jesus explicitly told His disciples that He would come to take them to where He was going. He encouraged His disciples, especially Peter, to teach people the good news of salvation. Monday Our Weekly Bible Verse this week is part of […]
Read MoreWeek of September 22 – Jesus Walked on Water – Social Media Plan
Sunday Parents, your child heard that Jesus can do things no one else can do. Jesus was able to walk on water and do other miracles because He is God’s Son. Monday “Part of the beauty of Peter’s witness is that he wasn’t perfect—but God still used him in mighty ways. Peter firmly knew God’s […]
Read MoreWeek of September 15 – Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind – Social Media Plan
Sunday Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that Jesus has power to meet people’s needs. Jesus healed a man who had been born blind. Jesus displayed the kingdom of God by His power to help people. Monday “Consider the example of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9. This man had spent his […]
Read MoreWeek of September 8 – Jesus Calmed a Storm – Social Media Plan
Sunday Parents, today your child learned that Jesus has power over nature. The disciples became frightened while rowing through a storm as Jesus slept. Jesus displayed His awesome power when the disciples cried out for help Monday Take it Further: Check out the “Jesus Calmed a Storm” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids […]
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