Year 2019-20
Preschool: The Amazing Power of Jesus: Session 2–Jesus Calmed a Storm (September 8)
1s & 2s— Paint on Coffee Filters Bible Story: Jesus Calmed a Storm Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25 Life Point: Jesus can tell the weather what to do.Weekly Verse: Jesus told the wind and sea to be still. Both became calm. Mark 4:39Materials: basket-type coffee filters, cups of water, blue food color, paintbrushes, painting smocks, permanent […]
Read MorePreschool: The Amazing Power of Jesus: Session 1–Jesus Healed the Official’s Son (September 1)
1s & 2s—Go on a Nature Walk Bible Story: Jesus Healed the Official’s Son John 4:46-54 Life Point: Jesus can heal people.Weekly Verse: Jesus did things no one else could do. Acts 2:22Materials: Teaching Picture 1 Take two or three children at a time outdoors to look at nature. Point out things you see. Comment […]
Read MoreEXTRA! Ideas for Adults – Simplicity – Session 1
Date: September 1, 2019 A Centered Life The Point: When your life is centered in Christ, you find all you need. Get Into the Study Use the following story as you introduce the session. Forbes magazine recently published an article titled, “What Your Child Actually, Really, Truly Needs To Go Back To School.” The article […]
Read MoreSimplicity – Session 1 – Searching for Selah
SEARCHING FOR SELAH Experience the glory of God by coming to Him when you’re most empty, most hungry, and most in need. by Kristen Kill “I JUST DON’T KNOW IF WE can do this anymore. If we keep going like this, I’m afraid we’ll have nothing left. I’m so frazzled and threadbare. It’s just not […]
Read MoreEXTRA! For Student Leaders—How to Know God’s Will—Outline and Social Media
Everybody wants to live well, but what does that look like? And how do we get there? If I choose Door #1, how do I know Door #2 wouldn’t have been the better choice? What if we make a mistake? Without knowing the future, it is often difficult to know which is the best decision. […]
Read MoreEXTRA! For Student Leaders—Simplicity: Finding Contentment in a Busy Life—Outline and Social Media
We live in a world where innovation is at an all-time high. It seems that every week a newer version of something you just purchased is on the market. It’s bigger and better and it fuels a feeling of discontentment. How can we live with simplicity in a world that forever tempts us to be […]
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