Jesus Is the Savior
Spring 2020 Kids and Preschool Corrections
There are two corrections for the 3s-Pre-K Pack. On Teaching Picture 3, the group time was left off the back. Also, the printer failed to cut and assemble the book for Pack Item 37, so instructions are given below. Grades 1-6 Life Action DVD Redemption Code error – If you receive an “invalid code” error […]
Read MoreKids Spring 2020 Christ Connections
Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week. Unit 1, Session 1: Jesus Read the Scriptures Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah wrote about God’s plan to send a Messiah. He would bring good news and redeem […]
Read MoreKids Spring 2020 Extras
Unit 1: Jesus the Great Teacher Social Media Covers for Unit 1 Session 1: Jesus Read the Scriptures (3/01/2020) Ministry Grid Overview Weekly audio training podcast Social Media Session 2: The Sermon on the Mount (3/08/2020) Ministry Grid Overview Weekly audio training podcast Social Media Session 3: Jesus Taught About Forgiveness (3/15/2020) Ministry Grid Overview […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Jesus Is the Savior! — Session 4: The Holy Spirit Came (April 26)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Verse Scramble Materials: different colors of construction paper, marker, scissors Print the Weekly Verse on different colors of construction paper. Cut each verse into 4-6 pieces. (Each kid will need a piece.) Mix the pieces. Guide kids to sit around the play area. (They can be spaced out; they do […]
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