Grades 1–6: God’s Awesome Promises — Session 4: King David (October 27)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Crown Toss Materials: paper plates, scissors or craft knife Cut a line through the middle of a paper plate; start about an inch from the edge and stop an inch from the other edge. Cut four lines across the middle of the plate to create wedges in the center of the plate. […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: God’s Awesome Promises — Session 3: Moses and the Israelites (October 20)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—I Got Your Back Materials: paper, pencil Tell kids to sit in a single-file line, with each child facing the back of the person in front of him. Lay the pencil and paper at the front of the line. Tell kids you will send a message from the back of the line […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: God’s Awesome Promises — Session 2: Abraham and Sarah (October 13)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Diaper Bag Relay Materials: diaper bags (one per team), various baby items in a basket or large container Place the container of baby items on the far side of the game area. Set the diaper bags a few feet apart along the near side of the game area. Form two or more […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: God’s Awesome Promises — Session 1: Noah (October6)
Grades 1–3 Introductory Activity—Animal Faces Materials: colored paper, scissors, glue sticks, markers Give each child a piece of paper that measures approximately 5 inches by 7 inches. Lay the paper on a table in portrait orientation. Fold the top edge down about one-third of the way and crease the paper. (The folded paper resembles the […]
Read MoreKids Fall 2019 Extras
Unit 1: The Amazing Power of Jesus Social Media Covers for Unit 1 Session 1: Jesus Healed the Official’s Son (9/01/2019) Ministry Grid Overview Social Media Session 2: Jesus Calmed a Storm (9/08/2019) Ministry Grid Overview Social Media Session 3: Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind (9/15/2019) Ministry Grid Overview Social Media Session 4: Jesus […]
Read MoreWeek of October 6 – Noah – Social Media Plan
Sunday Parents, today your child heard that God always keeps His promises. God promised Noah that He would never again destroy the earth by flood, and He gave Noah a sign of His promise, the rainbow. Monday “God certainly becomes the believer’s only hope precisely when he has become the believer’s only hope. When the storms […]
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