Social Media for week of January 5
Parents, the Bible story today helped your child learn that God hears people pray. The Israelites called out to God to rescue them from their slavery in Egypt. God heard and chose Moses to help them.
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Parents, today your child learned that Jesus grew as God planned. After the visit of the wise men, Jesus was in danger from Herod. God told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to keep them safe.
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Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that people knew Jesus was God’s Son. When Mary and Joseph presented Jesus at the temple, Simeon and Anna praised God for the newborn Savior.
Read MoreSocial Media for week of December 15
Parents, today your child heard that Jesus was born as God planned. All the prophecies about Jesus’ birth came true when He was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger.
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Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that people praised God for Jesus. When Mary entered Elizabeth’s home, even Elizabeth’s unborn baby was excited about God’s Son!
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Parents, today your child learned that God planned for Jesus to be born. God sent angels to tell Mary and Joseph about His plan. What a surprise for the family planned for Jesus!
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