Social Media for week of February 16
Parents, today your child learned that people show love to God by obeying Him. When Elijah needed food, God sent him to a poor widow who had very little. She shared what she had in obedience to God.
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Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that people show love to God by praying to Him. Hannah wanted a child for which she fervently prayed. God heard Hannah’s prayer and granted her request.
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Parents, today your child learned that people show love to God by choosing to help. Ruth stayed with Naomi even when she moved back to her own land. God blessed Ruth because of her choice to help.
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Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that God tells people to worship Him. God gave Moses instructions for building the tabernacle. This place of worship would go with them on their journey.
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Parents, today your child heard that God helps people have what they need. As the people journeyed toward the land God promised, He provided manna for them to eat and water to drink.
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Parents, today your child heard that God can do all things. God showed His mighty power when Moses led the people from Egypt. The people were able to cross the Red Sea on dry land.
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