Grades 1–6: Showing God’s Love to Others — Session 2: Jonathan Helped David (November 14)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Letter Scramble Materials: paper squares or index cards, marker Print these letters on squares or cards: d, a, v, i, d, j, o, n, a, t, h, a, n. Make multiple sets if needed so each child will have a card. Mix the cards and hand a letter to each […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Showing God’s Love to Others — Session 1: Samuel Followed God’s Plan (November 7)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Red Light, Green Light Materials: none Line up the kids at a starting point. The goal is to be the first onto reach the end point or the other side of the room. Assign one kid to be the leader. When the leader says “Green!” every player runs toward her. […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: He is God — Session 5: God Called Moses (October 31)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Move with the Verse Materials: Bibles, paper with Psalm 66:19 written on it (one per team) Help kids use the Bibles to find Psalm 66:19. Read aloud the verse and tell the kids to repeat it with you. Create teams of three to four kids depending on your class size. […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: He is God — Session 4: Joseph Interpreted Dreams (October 24)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Journal God’s Goodness Materials: paper and writing utensils As kids arrive, make sure they have paper and writing utensils. Encourage them to draw or write down one time when they felt God’s goodness. Maybe it was a good thing that happened to their family or maybe it was just a […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: He is God — Session 3: Jacob Encountered God (October 17)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Who Am I? Materials: smartphone or recording device As each child comes in, take them to an area where they cannot be overheard by other children. Each child should record a sentence describing him or herself without saying his or her name. For example, “I am seven years old, have […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: He is God — Session 2: Abraham Obeyed God (October 10)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Leader Says Materials: none Play a game of Simon Says, but insert your own name in place of Simon! After the game is over, talk to kids about obedience. Remind them that God expects us to obey Him, and in today’s story, kids will learn about someone who did. Live […]
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