Grades 1–6: Follow God’s Plan — Session 4: Joseph Forgave His Brothers (November 27)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – What Would I Do? Materials: paper, pencil Give a piece of paper and pencil to each child. Say to draw a line down the middle of the page and then two horizontal lines across the page, creating six equal boxes. Inform your children that you will read them three different […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Follow God’s Plan — Session 3: Joseph Helped His Family (November 20)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Flip the Tarp Materials: tarp Lay a tarp on the ground and instruct all your kids to stand on top of it. Tell them that they must flip the tarp over, but no one can step off the tarp. After the activity, explain to your students that people often face […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Follow God’s Plan — Session 2: Joseph Helped Pharaoh Prepare (November 13)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Zipper Materials: no materials needed Line your children up in two lines, facing each other about an arm’s length apart. Instruct the children to raise their hands toward the other line so their fingers are touching. Ask for one volunteer to walk or run between the lines. As the volunteer […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: Follow God’s Plan — Session 1: Joseph Explained Two Dreams (November 6)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Silent Telephone Materials: no materials needed Form your class into two teams and line them up. Inform the teams that you will tell the child at the end a single word that they must pass along to the rest of their team. They will communicate the word by drawing on […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: One True God — Session 5: God Was with Jacob (October 30)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Travel the World Materials: paper, pens On the left side of your board, write 10 countries. On the right side of the board, write the capitals of those countries, but be sure to put them in a different order. Form two groups of kids and give each group a pen […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: One True God — Session 4: God Expected Abraham to Obey (October 23)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Copy Me Materials: no materials needed Stand in front of your students. Tell them you will do a series of actions that they must copy in the exact order. If someone doesn’t match your actions, then they must sit out. Increase the number of actions after each round. Allow children […]
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