2022 New Year’s Assessment
Growing up, my parents taught me to savor moments because the older you get, the faster they go. That is advice I should have taken more of this year because it seems to have flown by. To me, it feels like the beginning of COVID-19 and all of us hunkering down in our houses was […]
Read MoreLonging for Advent
The weather snapped this week. It finally feels like fall, or maybe even winter. The trees in my yard have turned red, some brown, and have begun to fall—creating what seems to be another task on my weekend chore list. However, this might be my favorite season of the year. I look forward to fall […]
Read MoreDigital curriculum makes life easier
If a global pandemic has taught us anything, it’s been how to adjust our lives and try new ideas. Side note: it also seems that everything has gone online. As I’ve had the chance to speak with many churches over the last several months, we’ve discussed how to run everything online, including online videos, online […]
Read MoreTake a Look at the Study Plan
As hot as it is across the country right now, I’m sure most of us are ready for a new season. The cooler fall weather, to me, signals a few things: leaves changing colors, pumpkin spice lattes, football, and the return of school. If you’re like me, I rejoice a little bit knowing fall is […]
Read MoreFrom dial-up to digital curriculum
I fall into a weird generation. Sometimes I get categorized as a millennial; others I am labeled as Gen X. Then you find out about micro-generations and I get lumped in with those. The bottom line is this: I remember a day without the internet in my house, and exactly when we finally got dial […]
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